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1)overcompensation,超额赔偿2)surplus,超额3)excess enthalpy,超额焓4)excess viscosity,超额粘度5)excessive profit,超额利润6)excess molar volume,超额体积


Excess Gibbs free energy and excess enthalpy for hydrogenated turpentine system;


An excess enthalpy equation is established based on this thermodynamic model.

据此建立了一个超额焓方程 。

From this model, a simple equation of excess enthalpy which is composed of the physical and chemical contributions is obtained.

提出了一个醇与烃混合的热力学模型 ,据此 ,得到了一个简单的超额焓方程 ,它由物理和化学贡献两部分组成 。

Density and viscosity data were used in determination of excess volume and excess viscosity.

并由密度和粘度数据计算该物系的超额体积和超额粘度,同时对不同温度下的超额体积与组成的关系进行了多元回归,对超额粘度与组成的关系按Red lich-K ister方程进行了关联,计算值与实验值的最大标准偏差小于3%。

An Argument on if the Characteristic of goodwill be Defined as the Excessive Profit;


The high rate of "mine disasters"is not a simple problem of production safety,but has deep mechanism and various factories that take place,specifically including the crude management on the economy growth,the distortion of mineral resources ownership,the greedy pursuit in excessive profits of tiny business enterprise,and the imperfection of government regulation.


Then by respectively analyzing both the retailers and the manufacture s profit, the excessive profit redistribution ratio satisfied optimizing the whole supply chain can be fond under both the situation of buy back pricing and non-buy back pricing.


From the densities, excess molar volumes V~E were calculated.

15K时的密度和粘度数据,由密度数据计算出超额体积VE的值,并用Redlich Kister方程进行了回归;同时对粘度的数据也按超额性质的方法进行了处理,求出了不同温度不同组成下的ηE值。