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lottery industry



1)lottery industry,博彩(业)2)gambingden master,博彩业主3)Gaming Industry,博彩业4)sport gambling,体育博彩业5)Tourist-gambling business,旅游博彩业6)Opening gambling industry,开放博彩业7)gambling,博彩8)gambling task,博彩测验9)lottery participation,博彩参与10)Gaming Industry,博彩产业


Generally speaking,the reason aboutgambingden master is forever gainer is emphasized.

介绍了博彩弹子机 ,运用数学建模法剖析了它的赢钱原理 ,强调了一般博彩(业)主永远是赢家的道

Analytical Research on the Guest Service Marketing Strategy of Macau Gaming Industry;


Since the legalization of gaming operation began in Macao in mid 19~(th) century, the Macao gaming industry, spanned over 3 centuries has taken up a non-replaceable role.


<Abstrcat>In the past ten years,sport gambling developed quickly and played a more and more important role in sports industry.


Research on Lottery Management and Gambling Exploration in China;


The phenomenon exists in a large amount at random,so a lot of probability questions exist in reality; Have probed into the probability in five question,such as gambling,goods buying and sell,engineering design, shooting, athletic competition,etc.

随机现象大量存在,因此在实际中存在很多概率问题,本文分别对博彩、商品买卖、工程设计、射击、体 育竞赛等五个问题中的概率进行了探讨。

It is urgent to bring order out of chaos and recognizes again some issues in system of organization, sport industry, gambling, and school sport, professional organization sport, community sport.

本文认为《体育法》的理论基础相当陈旧混乱 ,《体育法》的分类用语不合逻辑 ,《体育法》的立法目的未能表达应然之意 ,《体育法》的诸多条款更是存在明显疑义 ,在体制、体育产业、博彩以及三大体育单元领域的说法上都有拨乱反正之急需。

What affects individual s lottery participation decision? Utilizing a household data set across 12 cities in China in 2005, we empirically find that overall neighborhood effect of social group members lottery participation increases the individuals expectation of participating in lottery, while the role of income satisfaction is exactly the opposite.


An Analysis of the Stakeholders of Macao s Gaming Industry;
