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The Journey to the West



1)Journey to the West,《西游记》2)A Journey to the West,《西游记》3)The Journey to the West,《西游记》4)Pilgrimage to the West,《西游记》5)Record of a Journey to the West,《西游记》6)"Pilgrim Westward Note",西游记记


Overview of the Study on the Relationship between Buddhism and Journey to the West in Ming and Qing Dynasties;


The Reason Why the Journey to the West Can not Be a Book that Demonstrates Taoist Theory;


On Cultivating Team Spirit in Editorial Departments of Journals of Higher Education——Enlightenment from Team Spirit of Journey to the West;


On the Traditional Features of Women Figures in A Journey to the West;


Language Features of Characters in A Journey to the West;


Wu Cheng en s Ideal of Social Harmony in His A Journey to the West;


The Writing Skill of "The Same Master Stroke Different Storylines" on the Aesthetics Embraced in the Storyline of The Journey to the West;


The Mixture of Multi-subjects——Probing into the subject of The Journey To the West Once Again;


A Textual Research on the White Rat s Making an Offer of Marriage Story in The Journey to the West;


A Probe into the Heroic Complex of Wu Cheng-en s Poem—Concurrently on the Author of Pilgrimage to the West;


On the Narrative Pattern of Pilgrimage to the West;


The Martial Spirit in Pilgrimage to the West;


Recreative Myth and Record of a Journey to the West;


The Prototypes of Monkey King in Yi Jian Zhi and Record of a Journey to the West;


Reread Record of A Journey to the West: the Social Reality in the Eye of Wu Chengen;


The Discussion of "Wukong" in the Pilgrimage to the West --Mathematical Criticism on the Pilgrimage to the West;


A Journey to the West Recorded in Chronicles of Huai an Prefecture:None Other Than the 100-Chapter A Journey to the West;


Deconstructing the Classics: from A Journey to the West to Notes to A Journey to the West (xi you bu) and Big Talk on A Journey to the West (da hua xi you);


Analyze Xi You Bu to Journey to the West of Succession and Development;


The Rising of the Journey to the West Study--Knowledge Economy and its Research;


Childlike Happiness-Aesthetic Characteristics of A Journey to the West;


On the"Seven Times Seven"and "Nine Times Nine"in Xi You Ji;


Tibetan Esotericism and "Journey to the West"--Continuing Discuss on "the Research of Completing Journey to the West" Written by Cai Tie-ying;


Re-exploring the Impact of Journey to the West, the Zaju, on Its Namesake, the Fiction;


The Place of Taoism & Buddhism in Pilgrimage to the West-A Tentative Review of Rgligious Consciousness in Pilgrimage to the West;


Another Author of Journey to the West --A Second Probe into the Author and the Motif;


Relation between Shaanxi Culture and Pilgrimage to the West--Tentative Plan of Constructing a tourist Attraction in Shaanxi


East and West : Journey to the West from the Perspectives of Readers in Foreign Countries


Comparative Study of Journey to the west and Western Picaresque Novel;


The Development of Record of a Journey to the West to the Former Story;


The Cultural Pattern of The Pilgrimadge to the West and Its transformation--From The Story of Emperor of Mu to The Buddhist Journey to the West;


The Influence of the Philosophy of the Mind on Journey to the West;


Carnival and Dialogue: An Understanding to the Theme of A Journey to the West;
