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strange tales from a lonely studio



1)Liao Zhai Zhi Yi,《聊斋志异》2)Strange stories from a Chinese studio,《聊斋志异》3)strange tales from a lonely studio,《聊斋志异》4)Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio,《聊斋志异》5)Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio,《聊斋志异》6)Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio,《聊斋志异》


On the Communication between Female Fox and Human Being in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi;


The India Source and Cultural Meaning of the Disaster and Pestilence Description in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi;


On the Humor Style of Liao Zhai Zhi Yi;


Pu Songling s Compensative Psychology in Scholars Stories from Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio;


A Look at Pu Songling s Attitude towards Love in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio;


A Different Approach to Commenting the Novels in the Ming & Qing Dynasties ——Explorations of the Artistic Laws of Strange Stories From A Chinese Studio by Feng Zhenluan, Dan Minglun, etc.;


Brief Discussion on Elegance of the Language in"Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio";


The Influence of Ancient Writing Style on Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio——Taking Zuo Zhuan as the Example;


Ryuunosuke Akutagawa and Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio:On Decollation;


Study of Characterization in Strange Tales of A Lonely Studio by Analyzing Xi Fangping


On the Standard for Spouse Selection and Aesthetic Taste in Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio


On the Female Images in Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio——The Characteristics of Qiaonv;


The View on the Imperial Examination in Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio——From the Perspective of Culture;


The Translation of Cultural Elements in Strange Tales from Make-do Studio from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics;


On Ideal Heroine Mode in Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio;


Viewing the Awakening of Women s Self-consciousness in Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio;


Talented Ladies in Dream and in Reality --Making a Comparison Between the Two Female Figures in the Caizijiaren - Style Novels and Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio;


Many Human Sentiments, Forget for the Different Races--Talk about the Foxes of Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio;


“Yishishi Comments”--Intervention Narration of“A Strange Stories from Chinese Studio”;


Asymmetrical Marital and Love Relationship in Liaozhaizhiyi;


Briefly on the Narrative Art of "Yishishi said"("What the historigrapher of another sort says") in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio slightly


Daemon: A comparison between Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio and Pilgrimage to the West


Translation Strategies of Three Special Sentence Types in Strange Tales from the Liaozhai Studio;


Study on the World of Merchants Marriage and Love in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi;


A Comparative Study of Three English Translations of Liao Zhai Zhi Yi from a Cultural Perspective;


The Study of YiZhiLu Which is a Mimetic Product of LiaoZhaiZhiYi;


On the Translation of Religious Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions in Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio;


The Study on the Triangle-Pattern Marriage in Strangle Tales of a Lonely Studio;


Study of the Effect of YawYang Essays on LiaoZhaiZhiYi;


The Comparative Research of the Demons on Pilgrimage to the West and the Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio;


Ideal and Fantasy--Study of Love and Marriage Stories of LiaoZhaiZhiYi;


Herbert Allen Giles Rendition of Liaozhai Tales--Viewed from a Functional Perspective;


On the Communication between Female Fox and Human Being in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi;


On the Thought of "Liberating Nature" of Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio in the Context of Taoism;


On Alexeev s Understanding of Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio;
