collar deviates from front center line
In freezing method there is always some deflection in boring freezing hole.
By considering deflection of freezing pipes and using the FEM method,the three-dimensional temperature field of the connecting passage of Shanghai Eas.
The phenomenon of the divided circle deflection in the LLMC is narrated in this paper.
本文叙述了度盘偏斜现象及其对读数显微镜Reticon比例尺测定值的影响 ,分析了产生度盘偏斜的原因和修正方法 ,文章讨论了是否需要对比例尺加上与天顶距有关的修正项问题 ,结论是只要把度盘偏心控制在 5μm以内 ,就不必加改正。
By analyzing its severe deviation and its treatment, starting from its structure, this paper discusses the deviating correcting principle and correcting process of the feedstock rake conveyer when in operation, and proposes measures to solve the problem of severe deviation of the feedstock rake conveyer.
This paper introduces successful construction method and control measure currently used for holedrill,borehole deviation,protection tube,and embedment and installation of bimetal mark.
Analysis of Declination Cause of Balancing Weight for Multi-Rope Friction Hoist;
The paper analyzed the cause of the declination in a raise boring.
If one wants to write works that will live and win an immortal name for oneself as a writer, is it better to describe sweet sweat or rank sweat?
If Bill Gates was going to be good at something.
It will make a nice row if that comes out.
If the patient should vomit, turn him over with his head to the side.
倘若病人要呕吐, 就帮他翻过身来, 头侧向一边.
If you do not say anything, you will not is call on to repeat it.
If that should become known, it would be making a good deal of noise, I think.
Embezzlement is embezzlement if the politicians want to have it so.
He said that if the war went well he would see that I was decorated.
Don't be afraid (ie Don't hesitate) to ask for help if you need it.
倘若需要帮忙的话, 尽管提出来(不必犹豫).
If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand--the ultimatum.
He would go to him-threaten, cajole, actually destroy him, if necessary.
"But if you do not do this, then you are sinners against the Lord; and you may be certain that your sin will have its reward."
If that happened, he would have the politicians to reckon with.
"When she asks for things or gives orders, we must be extra careful."
He respected ability, he was willing to play fair when fair was the game.
If you are fortunate enough to see a comet, don't give it just a casual glance and then vanish indoors.
If Bill Gates was going to be good at something, it was essential to be the best.
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
- iron black
- Side pleat
- black brown
- arabesque;sorrel
- Pocket hem
- dark reddish brown
- hoar
- bordeaux,date red ;bay;cardinal;claret;maroon
- defective lift,splintercluster
- placket front;neckline placket
- Red-France
- apricot cream;beige;ecru
- break-mark
- art.(artcle)
- Ramie Yarn Series
- wistaria ;wisteria;wistaria blue;wistaria violet;iris orchid
- Facing
- collar deviates from front center line
- irrevocable credit (or: letter of credit)
- Facing strap