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receiver dynamic range



1)receiver dynamic range,接收机动态范围2)receiving,接收3)reception,接收4)receive,接收5)take over,接收6)takeover,接收7)acceptance,接收8)accept,接收9)take over n.,接收10)take-over,接收


Survey on information sampling, transmission and receiving of Baotou Steel electric network;


LNG receiving terminal is the major link of LNG industrial chain.


It sends POP3 command via Socket,receiving and processing feedback information of mail Server,realizes E-mail receiving on Client.


In order to make discharging of ship-born pollutants more efficient and protect the ocean environment,efficient means for improving safety control of ships′oil residues reception is presented in this article by full analysis of the long term practice of Ningbo Maritime Safety Administration.

通过对宁波海事局多年来船舶残油接收作业的管理实践分析 ,提出了改进船舶残油接收作业监督管理的方法和手

It's a common problem to receive and deal with ship-generated waste in ports of China,becaues of insufficient reception facilities and unsuitable reception strategy.

船舶废弃物的接收和处理是港口运作中遇到的普遍问题 ,主要表现为接收设施的不足、接收手段的落后上。

Taking the satellite reception equipment of the front room of Yongji City,the article introduces the reception of digital satellite TV programs and checking and analyzing methods of faults.


It emphasized on two major parts of this system—the circuit diagram of transmit and receive,and carry out the analysis,calculation,argument and fulfillment.

利用300MHz单向数字传输系统可以把相距30 m左右的移动物体上的待传数据传送到固定的接收地点。

The extra low electromagnetic wave, wavelet technology, pipe track instrument,DGPS and tracing signal equipment are used to solve the key question of trans-mit-receive and communication.


The key is how to take measure to ensure data consistent in explode and receive of seismic wave, and how to optimize layout design for pieced together these seismic data of beach shallow sea area.


According to the study of the author, the ancient books stemmed from three ways:purchase, take over and presents.

经笔者研究 ,其来源有自购、接收和社会捐赠三条渠道。

In order to carry out the takeover and reconstruction of education in Taiwan smoothly,the Government of the Republic of China had begun the preparation before the end of WWⅡ.
