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Many hands make light work.



1)Many hands make light work.,众人拾柴火焰高。2)inhabitants,公众人群3)Public figures,公众人物4)public figure,公众人物5)public person,公众人物6)the mass man,大众人7)The public person,公众人物8)darb,出众人物9)education popularization,教育大众人10)to pool the wisdom of the masses,乘众人之智


Study on principles for public figures: the conflict and balance between right to knowledge and individual privacy;


On the protection of the privacy of public figures——Talking about the star entertainment news reports about privacy;


Privacy of public figure refers to the right,restricted by public and group interests,under which public figure is granted an imprescriptible personal field.


With their special personality, the public figures reputation is closely relative to public good, which is different from that of common people.


The aim of the theory of the public figure put forward by American law is to offer a solution to the conflicts between protection of reputation and freedom of speech.


Generally speaking,the public opinion direct can not violate right of privacy,but the public benefits need,the party concerned approval,reasonable and public interest,inspect object to be a public person and make and can t recognize etc.


The violation of the privacy of public persons in the process of the broadcasting is a very difficult and constantly met issue.


In today s society, the conflict between the right to privacy of public person and the right to know society of public becomes more and more obvious.

当今社会 ,公众人物隐私权与公众社会知情权的冲突日益明显。

The writing pattern of facing the mass which is getting more and more popular after the Enlightenment is under review because the emergence of the mass society and the mass man.


The public person, who appeared firstly in the civil law code (draft), was deleted in the succeeding 31st meeting of the standing committee of the ninth national congress.

《民法典 (草案 )》首次在立法上使用了“公众人物”的概念 ,但在随后的九届全国人大常委会第 31次会议的审议中即被删除。

Currently the theories concerning the protection of the public person s privacy primarily are "the public interest theory" and "the benefits measures theory".
