Money is a bottomless sea,in which honour,conscience,and truth may be drowned.
- You may know by a handful the whole sack.
- Love is never without jealousy.
- An old dog cannot learn new tricks.
- Sloth is the key of poverty.
- He who risks nothing gains nothing.
- Honesty is the best policy.
- Friends agree best at distance.
- mend the fold when a sheep is found missing
- Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off.
- Nothing dries sooner than a tear.
- Great hopes make great man.
- All that ends well is well.
- Pay somebody back in his own coin.
- A great talker is a great liar.
- There is many a fair thing full false.
- To save time is to lengthen life.
- He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.
- A stitch in time saves nine.
- Nothing is as good as it seems beforehand.
- An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.