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Medal match



1)Medal match,击数比赛2)Medal play,击数比赛3)number of pounding,击数4)shocks,冲击数5)Blow counts,锤击数6)pouring percussion,贯入击数7)SPT blow count,标贯击数8)number of dynamic penetration blows,触探击数9)return stroke number,回击数10)Clickthrough data,点击数据


Thus,the effect of the number of pounding on dynamic compaction effectiveness is discussed with some basic theories of impaction,wave and consolidation.


On the basis of physical and mental demands of passengers,formula of how to calculating the long-wait time and the maximum shocks of passengers were derived.


About the problem of the interface determination of strongly weathered granite in the south of Fujian province, the quantitative evaluation can be performed by the blow counts N of standard penetration test(SPT), but the correction of N has different definitions from various technical regulations.

闽南地区花岗岩强风化界面的确定 ,在采用标准贯入试验作定量评价时 ,锤击数N是否修正 ,不同规范定义不一。

Based on a lot of open-air experiments, it discusses principle of micro-pouring experiment indoors & its changing rules of micro-pouring percussion, illustrates relationship between standard experiment outdoors and micro-pouring experiment indoors, and puts forward micro-pouring experiment instead of standard pouting experiment outdoors based on differentiating powder soil liquidization.

在大量野外试验的基础上 ,探讨了室内微型贯入试验的原理及其微型贯入击数的变化规律 ,论述了野外标准贯入试验与室内微型贯入试验之间的关系 ,提出了在粉土液化判别上室内微型贯入试验可替代野外标准贯入试验的观

Through field drilling for core tests, the quality of dryjetted cement piles is evaluated for the Taicang section of the Yanjiang Expressway based on the measured data of SPT blow count of cement soil of piles and the unconfined compression strength and hardness or state of core samples.


The general principle and application of the dynamic penetration are introduced, the weaknesses, using the number of dynamic penetration blows as the index of the dynamic penetration test, are analyzed.
