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get hold of



1)get hold of,抓住;拿住2)To seize; grab.,抓住;捉住3)To seize; snatch.,抓住;抓取4)To grasp; seize.,抓紧,抓住5)clutch,v.抓住,攫住6)Grasp Keystone,抓住重点


Grasp Keystones to Achieve Success with Half Efforts——A New Approach to Solve Trade Surplus of our Country;


A bull should be taken by his horns, a man by his words.


Paying great attention to the key links and promoting the new development of economy in Xinyu;

抓住重点环节 推动新余经济新发展

Pioneer Ideas and Hold Key Points to Promote the Innovation of Adult Education Positively;

开拓思路抓住重点 积极促进成教工作创新

Stress the Essentials and Highlight the Characteristics To Make a Breakthrough in Education and Scientific Research;

抓住重点 突出特色 开创教学科研工作新局面

Figuring out the Situation and Gripping the Emphases to Promote the Steady Development of Yi-language Department

认清形势 抓住重点 促进彝文系稳健协调发展

Enforce Procedure Vigorously, Stress on Key Issues, Implement Control over Investment of Railway Construction Project in A Comprehensive and Sound Way;

严格程序 抓住重点 全面扎实做好铁路建设项目投资控制

Grasp the Working Emphasis and Improve Psychological Health Education;

抓住工作重点环节 搞好心理健康教育

Seize the Opportunity,Highlight the Priorities,and Speed up Development;

抓住机遇 突出重点 加快发展

Grasp the Key and Emphasis; Promote Quality Education in an All-round Way;

抓住关键 把握重点 整体推进素质教育

Take the Advantage of Trend,Fully Strengthen Key Major s Construction;

抓住龙头 乘势而上 全面加强重点学科建设

The key points on the investment control over the construction;


The Cruxes of English Writing in NMET.--subjects points and sentences;


skipped the details to get to the main point.


Catching the Difficulty,Breaking through the Main Point and Commanding the key;

抓住难点 突破重点 把握关键——《毛泽东思想概论》课程自考解析

In order to implement the Action Plan, it is necessary to undertake overall planning, give priority to major tasks, identify key issues and lay emphasis on implementation.


He still does not get the point. How many times do I have to repeat myself to get it across?


Grasping Opportunity and Making Persistent Efforts to Comprehensively Complete the Second Turn Key Harnessment Tasks

抓住时机 再接再厉 为全面完成第二期重点治理任务而奋斗

Talking about the fundamental construction in grass roots;

抓住三个重点 打牢三个基础 苦练三个基本功 促进“三基”建设