In the rural junior middle schools almost all the dropouts are the underachievers, so reducing the number of underachievers as much as possible is the key to the solution of the problem of students dropping out of school.
In the rural areas the dropouts are almost underachievers in th e junior schools and the unequal chance of receiving education and the instituti onalized education are the main reasons of so many poor students and dropouts.
A survey and research of junior middle school students′ dropout in the rural backwards areas in Central China;
Preventive Strategies Dealing with the Junior Students Dropout in the Rural Areas- - Research on the Junior Students Dropout in the Well- off Rural Areas(3);
An Inquiry into the Causes of Junior Students Dropout in the Rural Areas Research on the Junior Students Dropout in the Well-off Rural Areas(2);
An Investigation and an Exploration on the Issues of Junior Middle School Student s Dropping out of Schools During Recent Years in the Countryside--Research on the Junior Students Dropout in the Well-off Country (1);
Research on Formation Causes and Strategies of Countryside Students Dropping out Phenomenon in Junior Middle School;
Study on Lower Secondary School Dropouts in Rural Guizhou and the Strategy to Solve the Problem;
The dropout students in rural junior middle school of the Investigation and Countermeasures;
Analyzing the Continual Dropout of Junior High School Students in the Rural Areas from the Perspective of Policy;
The drop-off rate of junior secondary school and primary school students was 3.23 percent and 0.93 percent respectively.
The Diagnoses and Countermeasures to Junior High School Students Discontinuing Their Studying in Country of Zhuanghe City;
Reflection on Students Dropout in Rural Junior Middle School after Free Education;
An Analysis of the Poverty of Culture that Causes Junior Middle School Students to Drop out of School in Guangxi Frontier Region.;
Reflection on the Reasons of Junior Middle School Students Dropping out of School in Poor Areas and Its Solutions;
The Analysis and Countermeasure Research on Students' Dropping out of School in Junior MiddleSchool
Study on Reasons of Junior High School Drop-outs and Countermeasures Against it in An shang Junior High School from An qiu City in Shandong Province;
An Inwestigation and Countermeasures on Junior School in the Countryside of Kulun Ensign Inner Mongolia;
The solutions to the problems in Compulsory Education in the Countryside;
A Research on Dropping out in Countryside in the View of Interaction Theory;
- teachers college
- National Taiwan University Academic Development Foundation
- modest adj.
- Receptor Biochemistry
- rural school
- TG
- college of science;science school
- integral experimental project
- Microwave Device and Circuitry
- First Diploma
- parish school;parochial school
- home economics education;household education
- Modern Optical Testing Technology
- automobile driving technique
- consist in
- inference [= reasoning]
- Survey of Britain and America
- Database System Principle
- mental set
- specialized course