rana swinhoana
Isolation and Molecular Cloning of Insulinotropic Peptide from the Skin Secretions of Amolops loloensis and the Study of Its Bioactivities
棕点湍蛙皮肤分泌液中促胰岛素释放肽的分离纯化、 基因克隆及活性分析
Skin cDNA library of Amolops loloensis was constructed.
我们收集了三种两栖类动物:棕点湍蛙(Amolops loloensis)、无指盘臭蛙(Rana grahami)以及中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis),并对这三种两栖类的皮肤分泌液进行了一系列的生物活性筛选:1。
Home range of Clethrionomys rufocanus and its significance to the control of rodent pests in forests;
In 2007,experiment was made against Clethrionomys rufocanus and Microtus maximowiczii with the sterilant in the field.
2007年在内蒙古大兴安岭林区,分别采取6 m×6 m,7 m×7 m,8 m×8 m和10 m×10 m的不同投药方式,对棕背Clethrionomys rufocanusSundevall和莫氏田鼠Microtus maximowicziiSchrenck进行了林间防治试验,结果表明莫氏田鼠的适口性较好,盗食率达到75%以上,而棕背最高盗食率仅为10。
Analysis on Color Polymorphism of Lanius schach;
Preliminary Study on Lanius schach Vocalizations in the Breeding Season in Nanchong,Sichuan
From March to July 2005,the breeding habit of Rufous-backed Shrike(Lanius schach) was studied in the City of Nanchong,Sichuan Province.
2005年3~6月在四川省南充市区及近郊对棕背伯劳(Lanius schach)的繁殖习性进行了研究。
5days)of Rufous-backed shrike(Lanius schach)was recorded in Nanchong,Sichuan Province during March to May,2005.
2005年3月至5月在南充市郊对棕背伯劳(Lanius schach)的雏鸟4。
Purification, Characterization, Molecular Cloning, Structures and Functions of Bio-Active Peptides from Skin Secretions of Amolops Loloensis;
Isolation and Molecular Cloning of Insulinotropic Peptide from the Skin Secretions of Amolops loloensis and the Study of Its Bioactivities
棕点湍蛙皮肤分泌液中促胰岛素释放肽的分离纯化、 基因克隆及活性分析
Bullfrogs are typically green or gray-brown with brown spots and have easily identifiable circular eardrums, or tympanum, on either side of their heads.
Yang Datong1991 Phylogenetic systematics of the amolops group of ranid frogs of Southeastern Asia and the Greater Sunda Islands. Fieldiana, Zoology, New series No.63), FMNH. USA. ISSN0015-0754.
On Reading Xin Qi-ji s " The Moon over Xijiang River;
State Key Laboratory of turbulence research department of mechanics
Effect of turbulence on spark ignition process of dust cloud
Study on the Karyotype and Ag-NORs of Rhacophorus. Nigropunctatus、Paa. yunnanensis;
a cat with a gray or tawny coat mottled with black.
The color of the sheet is blue tinged with brown.
Brown panels show the route to tourist attractions.
Compatibility and crystal morphology of palm oil and palm midfraction blends
Reynolds developed a simple rule for deciding when turbulence starts.
Numerical Simulation of Turbulence Diffusion Combustion in Plasma Ignition;
Density of Phase Branch Points for a Light Wave Propagation in Atmospheric Turbulence
She said, @You will be quiet now, I hope, you ugly frog.
These conservative opinions are shallow and limited, and not worthwhile to promote.
这种保守的观点是井蛙之见, 不值得提倡。
Discussion about the Technical Analysis on Leg Movement of Breast-stroke and the Characteristic of Modern Training
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