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Chairman,Autonomous Regional People's Government



1)Chairman,Autonomous Regional People's Government,自治区人民政府主席2)autonomous government of east Mongolia,东蒙古人民自治政府3)municipality,自治区,市政府4)the Government of Zhongshan District,中山区人民政府5)governmental democracy,政府民主6)democratic government,民主政府


A democratic government promotes social harmony, and the harmonious society needs a democratic government.


Summary of the essay: The essence of democratic government is that all power of the country belongs to the people, the government s power comes from the people s authorization, because the authorization of the people s government is limited, therefore, the government must be a limited government.


The controlling government is the mistaking function of the democratic government.


"Chairman, Autonomous Regional People's Government"


Those executed include Cheng Kejie, the former chairman of the People' s Government of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and former vice chairman of the Ninth NPC Standing Committee.


Please welcome Mr. Hu Heng, Vice-chairman of the People’ s Government of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.


and the chairman of the regional autonomous government and head of the administration of the autonomous prefecture and the autonomous county should be citizens of the nationality that exercises self-government.


As stipulated by the Constitution, the head of an autonomous region, autonomous prefecture or autonomous county shall be a citizen of the ethnic group exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned;


and the heads of the governments of the 155 ethnic autonomous regions, prefectures and counties (or banners) are all from ethnic minority groups.


The chairman of the Standing Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Regional People's Congress and the chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region are both citizens of the Tibetan ethnic group.


Local rules shall be promulgated by way of an order signed by the provincial governor, the chairman of the autonomous region, or the mayor of the city.


Article 112. The organs of self-government of national autonomous areas are the people's congresses and people's governments of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties.

第一百一十二条 民族自治地方的自治机关是自治区、自治州、自治县的人民代表大会和人民政府。

As the organs of self-government, the Tibet Autonomous Regional People's Congress and the Regional People's Government exercise the power of autonomy according to law.


At the congress, Ngapoi Nagwang Jigme was elected chairman of the People's Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region.


(3) The people's democratic self-government in all the Liberated Areas should be recognized; The Central Government should not appoint and send out local officials; The provisions of the "October 10th Agreement" should be carried out.


He was slated for borough president.


For 77.8 percent is the chairman and vice-chairmen of the Tibet Autonomous Region.


DAB chairman Ma Lik said the party had regarded its election pro ects as "rather critical" since November's district council electio , in which the pro-government candidates suffered a heavy defeat.


The Central People's Government and the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region have all along attached importance to the inheritance and development of Tibetan culture and art.


As many as possible of the other leading posts in the autonomous governments are also taken by the nationals or other minorities.


and the other members of the people's governments of these regions, prefectures and counties shall include members of the ethnic group exercising regional autonomy as well as members of other ethnic minorities.
