delayed reaction
There is a common misunderstanding in the history of interpreting the hesitation of Hamlet,which takes the revenge as a thing concerning Hamlet simply and ignores the tactics of Claudius.
Hamlet s hesitation in revenge is a mystery and there have been various opinions on it for centuries.
This paper, by making a comparison between Zaju of Yuan dynasty and Western drama, studies the two techniques of setting suspense in Zaju——foretelling and delay, thereby to explore the common law in the field of stage narration in Chinese and Western drama.
This article analyses Joseph through the three aspects of Hamlet: loneliness, aphasia and delay.
This paper starts with an analysis of Hamlet’s images and continues to discuss the reason for his delay in taking revenge from the angles of sociology, philosophy of life ontology and social morality.
This paper aims to explore the causes of Hamlet’s procrastination in the light of both Shakespeare’s living environment and his play in the original.
And the focus of these comments lies in the understanding of Hamlet s procrastination.
The cause inquiry of Hamlet s procrastination has been from the social, political, cultural, or psychological angles, whereas from and artistic point of view his procrastination plays an important role in creating the general effect, plot, structure, and personality, thus it is a critical aesthetic element strongly dramatic.
历来的研究者多从社会、政治、文化、心理学等角度出发 ,探讨哈姆雷特复仇过程中“延宕”的原因。
Tie Ning s later novels are characterized by the exposition of people s desire and the employment of delayed narration.
It became a new feature of the 20th century literature and art and acquired its artistic charm with various estrangement techniques of making difficult poetry, deformation of estrangement, and structural procrastination, thus becoming the creator of .
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
Totally observe the Gain and Loss of the Criticism of the Postponing Personality of Hamlet --and Discuss the Cause to the Postponing of Hamlet;
We're setting new limits on those delays.
On the Inner Delay as Aesthetical Characteristics of the Tragic Spirit in the Western Literature;
(saying)procrastination is the thief of time ( procrastinating wastes time )
Put off,Exceed and Dispel:Revenge also Commenting on"Cast the sword"and"Blood Plum Blossom";
An Exploration of Personal Psycho-source of Hamlet s Melancholy and Delayed Neurosis;
An Analysis of Hamlet’s Images and the Reason for His Revenge Delay;
Silence before Storm:Hamlet s Dramatic Procrastination;
When the movie was over, he waited until he thought that Manager Chou and his wife had gone to bed before he finally strolled back.
When no further delay was possible, they concealed their actual holdings, or retained the good land and gave up the poor land.
He went back home and for the rest of the day remained glum and despondent, feeling he could no longer go on as before and must clarify his position to her as soon as possible.
Her son Hsiao-ch'eng, usually a very quick eater, dawdled around that day, waiting for her to question Hung-chien.
Failure to start construction within specified time limit due to delay in examination of urban design or building permit.
When a policeman came over to move him on, he would argue and stay put as long as he could.
The most serious instances of delay in land distribution and concealment of landholdings occurred in the southern section of Yunghsin County, where the intermediate dass was the largest.
In the negotiation about Ryukyu problem, Li Hongzhang's delay policy further impaired Qing's suzerainty.
A Probe into the Foretelling and Delay in Zaju of Yuan Dynasty -In Comparison to Western Drama;
- mental set
- specialized course
- home economics education;household education
- consist in
- Database System Principle
- Receptor Biochemistry
- Survey of Britain and America
- TG
- teachers college
- Microwave Device and Circuitry
- college of science;science school
- integral experimental project
- National Taiwan University Academic Development Foundation
- rural school
- modest adj.
- First Diploma
- automobile driving technique
- Modern Optical Testing Technology
- inference [= reasoning]
- parish school;parochial school