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turning guide marking



1)turning guide marking,转弯线2)Turning,转弯3)cornering,转弯4)corner,转弯5)shallow turn,大转弯,慢转弯6)swerving middle leg,转弯支腿7)swerving middle fuselage,转弯机身8)bend track,转弯导轨9)turning radius,转弯半径10)horizontal curves,平面转弯


In order to constitute reasonable maneuvering rules of turning for waterjet-drived ship,a steady/dynamic mathematical model of waterjet propulsion system is set up.


A method of calculate analysis of transversal stabilization for turning of oil tank truck with irregular elliptical section,inclusing the modeling with four arc, discriminantion of relative position between the liquid linie and the section curve,is in this paper introduced.


This paper analyses the structure characteristics of directly turning belt conveyors and gives out the design parameters and layout of the key component-turning pulley.


Researching about plane swerve flexible trap of transporter's swerving middle crossbeam and swerving middle leg open question in design on practical application,through improving design on them ensure rapidity and accuracy in assemble process and achieve design requirements of drawing,offering reference value for design on sameness transporter.


bending operation of the foundation was introduces,the plane bending belt conveyor to change the natural mechanics and reasonable method of determining the turning radiuswere described,and explore the impact of the belt conveyor plane bending operation of the relevant factors and the introduction of measures to plane bending belt conveyor design were eplored,the installation and use of provid.


Saturation time headways with different lane widths and turning radiuses were measured on the spot and abnormal data were identified and eliminated.


This article analyses the differences between articulated bus and non-articulated bus when they make turn,and derives the calculation methods of the turning radius and passageway width of articulated bus and the angle between the main bus and the sub-bus.


The calculation of radius and restrictive conditions of belt conveyor with horizontal curves is intrduced.


Using belt conveyor with horizontal curves to realize natural turn will be more economical, dependable and efficient.
