Tactics for patent application of pesticide and chemical compounds;
How to write patent application documents of fertilizer invention-lesson 14: A unity problem of fertilizer patent application;
如何撰写肥料发明专利申请文件 第十四讲 肥料发明专利申请单一性问题(完)
How to write the patent application documents of fertilizer invention -Lesson 6 How to write patent application document of organic fertilizer;
如何撰写肥料发明专利申请文件 第六讲 有机肥料申请文件的撰写
A forecasting system of patent application quantities is studied by means of applying the support vector machine(SVM) and float-point genetic algorithms.
运用支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)和浮点遗传算法相结合的方法对我国专利申请量进行预测。
"The date on which the Patent Office receives the application shall Be the date of filing. If the application is sent by mail, the date of mailing indicated by the postmark shall be the date of filing."
An applicant may amend his or its application for a patent
Article 28. The date on which the Patent Administration Department Under the State Council receives the application shall be the date of filing.
第二十八条 国务院专利行政部门收到专利申请文件之日为申请日。
(4) counterfeiting or transforming any patent certificate, patent document or patent application document of another person.
(5) counterfeiting or transforming any patent certificate, patent document or patent application document.
How to write application document of fertilizer inventive patents -Lesson 3 The basic requirement of writing application documents;
如何撰写肥料发明专利申请文件 第三讲 申请文件撰写的基本要求
The amendments to the application for patent shall be in two copies.
writing on commission patent application documents and handling re-examination and other related affairs;
(2) writing on commission patent application documents and handling re-examination and other related affairs;
(二)代写专利申请文件,办理专利申请; 请求实质审查或者复审的有关事务;
Rule 40 In any of the following circumstances, the Patent Administration Department under the State Council shall refuse to accept the application and notify the applicant accordingly:
第四十条 专利申请文件有下列情形之一的,国务院专利行政部门不予受理,并通知申请人:
How to write application documents of fertilizer invention patents -Lesson 2 Preparations before application for fertilizer invention patents;
如何撰写肥料发明专利申请文件 第二讲 肥料发明专利申请前的准备
How to write application document for inventive patents of fertilizer ──Lesson 1 The basic cases of patent application of fertilizer;
如何撰写肥料发明专利申请文件 第一讲 肥料发明专利申请的基本情况
How to write the patent application documents of fertilizer invention-Lesson 10How to write a patent application document of special nutrient element-containing fertilizer;
如何撰写肥料发明专利申请文件 第十讲 特殊营养元素肥料申请文件的撰写
How to write the patent application documents of fertilizer invention ─Lesson 9 How to write application documents of foliage fertilizer or liquid fertilizer;
如何撰写肥料发明专利申请文件 第九讲 叶面肥料或液体肥料申请文件的撰写
How to write patent application documents of fertilizer invention -lesson 13 How to write a patent application document for a fertilizer production equipment;
如何撰写肥料发明专利申请文件 第十三讲 肥料生产设备申请文件的撰写
How to write the patent application documents of fertilizer invention Lesson 5 How to write─ patent application document of microbial fertilizer;
如何撰写肥料发明专利申请文件 第五讲 微生物肥料申请文件的撰写
The Patent Administration Department under the State Council may, on its own initiative, correct the obvious clerical mistakes and symbol mistakes in the documents of application for a patent.
Rule l6 Anyone who applies for a patent in written form shall file with the Patent Administration Department under the State Council application documents in two copies.
第十六条 以书面形式申请专利的,应当向国务院专利行政部门提交申请文件一式两份。
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