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Cats hide their claws



1)Cats hide their claws,知人知面不知心2)junzi,知人3)intellectual,高知人员4)Understand human beings and reflect on society,知人论世5)the "Advance Intellectuals" group,“高知”人群6)senior intellectual group,高知人群7)Know one's subordinates well enough to assign them jobs commensurate with their abilities,知人善任8)knowing how to judge and use people,知人善用9)advisor,通知人10)criticize the poems from experiences and thoughts,知人论诗


For this,the lord should have the ability of develop the junzi and put them in the right position.


The paper analyzed gender differences on health,exercise behavior and exercise motivation based on a survey of 590 intellectuals.


"Understand human beings and reflect on society"is an important category in the history of Chinese classical literary criticism.


Investigation on the current status of sports consciousness of senior intellectual group in Hunan Province;


From the following four aspects, peace and stability to the country, determined reform, knowing how to judge and use people, auepting advice to correct mistakes, this paper furthers discussing in.


The advisor has special legal status and rights and obligations in accordance with the International Standby Practice, comparing to their in accordance with The UniformCustoms and Practice for Documentary Credits (1993Revision), and the advisor should keep watch for risk in practice.

与《跟单信用证统一惯例 (1993年修订 )》相比 ,《国际备用证惯例》中通知人有着独特的法律地位和权利义务 ,在实践中通知人应当注意防范风险。