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individual teaching



1)individual teaching,个别教学2)specific,个别3)Individual,个别4)particular,个别5)popping rock,个别飞石6)individual normal occlusion,个别正常


In the group teaching of composition,individual teaching can help students′ confidence and writing ability,and makes teacher teach students according to their level.

在班级作文集体教学中 ,个别教学形式的存在 ,可以起到补充作用 ,有利于实现因材施教 ,提高学生的自信心和写作能

The general and specific relationship is an important issue in the history of philosophy.


According to Marxist philosophy,everything is the contradictionary unity of specific and generality.

马克思主义哲学认为 ,任何事物都是个别和一般的对立统一 ,人的认识中的个别和一般的关系乃是客观事物中的个别和一般的关系之反映。

The practice of the author抯 years of English teaching in senior middle school proves that insisting on using English in class is a good way to improve English quality, and emphasizing the feature of individual while teaching students is the principle of quality education and the approach to teach each student well.


The artical tries to explore the general and individual implications of constitutional value from the point of the science of law and philosophy so that our country will pay much attention to the characteristic of constitutional value in establishing the law in combination with our circumstances, and promote the establishment of our law modernization.

本文试从法哲学角度 ,对宪法价值的一般含义和个别含义作一探讨 ,以求在中国的法制建设中 ,充分注意宪法价值的特征 ,结合中国国情 ,促进法制现代化建

There remains a discrepancy not only between generality and particular, but also between particulars in the same generality, and further more between two particulars in different generalities.

一般与个别存在差异性 ,蕴涵同一一般的两个个别间也存在差异性。

Modern aesthetics has shifted from the hermeneutic frame of knowledge theory to that of existential theory, making it impossible to re-take the traditional road of going "from the particular to the general".

现代美学从知识论阐释框架转向生存论阐释框架 ,美学已不能够再走传统的从个别到一般的道路 ,那么美学应该走一条怎样的路 ?本文认为 :可以尝试走本源与个别相互阐发的道路 ,而本源是“能动的本质”。

For the request of identifying the accident in an open pit exploitation caused by popping rock, we had on site investigation, analyzed the two kinds of dobe powder bag, calculated the popping distance and reached the conclusion that some masses of popping rock produced by reblasting may hurt people 160m away.

对某矿场二次爆破个别飞石伤人事故进行鉴定,通过实地勘测、调查取证,分析了两种裸露药包法爆破大块时可能发生的空气冲击波和个别飞石安全距离,认为该矿场二次爆破产生的个别飞石,可以飞达 160 m处对人员造成伤害。

A classified study on vertical facial growth pattern of female with individual normal occlusion in Chongqing;
