Steam Turhine Adjustment & Simulation
Based on study of sources and features of steam exciting forces on blades in steam turbine,the mathematic model used for calculating steam exciting forces caused by state blades trailing wake are presented,and a software based on Matlab used for calculating exciting forces is developed.
Analysis and countermeasures of chlorine corrosion on steam turbine rotor blades;
The Steel Melting Process Research for the Inner Case of the Super Critical Steam Turbine;
The Precision Casting Practice for the Crown Guide Blade of the Steam Turbine;
With improved IR test method,the content of T746 in anti-rust steam turbine oil was tested after different time of water elution.
Alkenyl succinic acid(ASA)as an anti-rust additive is generally used in steam turbine oil.
Through the analysis on the production process of L-TSA oil, the factors of affecting the demulsibility of steam turbine oil are sought from the base oil, additive and blending process.
Analysis of emulsification of turbine oil;
The emulsified turbine oil was researched by heating demulsification method,adsorption demulsification method and chemical demulsification method.
First,the main reasons of deterioration of turbine oil demulsibility are analyzed.
Aimed at the failure of the coupling breaking of steam turbine speed governor, this paper briefly presents the process of the breaking, analyzes reasons for the failure from many aspects and proposes effective, methods and prevention measures to ensure safe and stable operation of the compressor bundle.
针对蒸汽轮机调速器传动机构联轴节断裂故障,简述联轴节损坏经过,从多方面分析其损坏原因, 提出有效的解决方法和防范措施,确保压缩机组安全稳定运行。
Integratedgasification combined cyclesystem, using both gasand steam turbine offers significant improvement in overall system efficiency an.
A combined cycle power plant, which combines a gas turbine, a heat recover steam generator and a steam turbine, has the increasingly important effect in power generation industry, because of its high efficiency and low exhaustion advantages.
The failure of a turbine axes was investigated by sclerometer,optical microscopy,SEM,and mechanics analyses.
通过硬度检测、金相检验、宏观及微观断口分析 ,结合力学分析证实了汽轮机轴失效是由于轴肩变径处加工刀痕导致应力集中 ,造成多条疲劳裂纹萌生、扩展及最终的断裂 ,提出了防止汽轮机轴疲劳断裂的措施 。
Identification of Shaft Orbit and Application in Steam Turbine Vibration Monitoring Diagnosis System;
Research and Development of Steam Turbine Vibration Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis System;
In doing so,we take into account the change of the bearings′ viscosity and density with that of temperature and pressure and then obtain the transient response of the elliptical bearing of a steam turbine when the load suddenly changes.
- Receptor Biochemistry
- rural school
- teachers college
- Survey of Britain and America
- mental set
- consist in
- parish school;parochial school
- specialized course
- college of science;science school
- Database System Principle
- Microwave Device and Circuitry
- National Taiwan University Academic Development Foundation
- TG
- First Diploma
- integral experimental project
- automobile driving technique
- inference [= reasoning]
- modest adj.
- home economics education;household education
- Modern Optical Testing Technology