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Principle & Applications of Computer



1)Principle & Applications of Computer,计算机原理及应用2)Microcomputer Principle and Application,微型计算机原理及应用3)Design principle and application,设计原理及应用4)computer and its application,计算机及应用5)microcomputer theory and application,微机原理及应用6)microcomputer principle and application,微机原理及应用


Effective Teaching of Microcomputer Principle and Application in Professional Colleges


WT5”BZ]This paper analyzes mainly the shortcomings existing in the persent teaching of computer and its application specialty and gives several suggestions about teaching reform on the specialty.

着重分析了当前计算机及应用专业在教学上存在的不足 ,给出了教学改革的几项建议。

CAI courseware design in microcomputer theory and application;

微机原理及应用CA I课件的设计

Exploration of Microcomputer Principle and Application Based on Network Educational Reform;


Thought on Teaching Material and Teaching Content Reform of Microcomputer Principle and Application


Didactical Consideration about Principle and Application of Microcomputer;


Teaching Approach to Mini-Computer Principles and Applications;


On Reforming the Teaching of “Principle and Application of Microcomputer” Course;


Effective Teaching of Microcomputer Principle and Application in Professional Colleges


My Opinion of the Curriculum and Instructional Practice in The Principle and Application of Micro-computer;


The application of computer-aided calculation to the course design for principles of chemical engineering


Research on the Mechanism and Calculation Methods of Gravel Pile Applied on Expressways Platesu Marsh Areas;


Research on the Means of Teaching and Learning of the Course--the Theory and Using of Microcomputer;


Application of Computer Simulation in Machinery Principle Gear s Teaching;


The Application of TEC-2 Experimental Computer System in the Experimental Teaching of Computer Composition Principle;


A Research of Course Design Innovation on SCMC Principle and Application;


A Probe on SCMC Principle and Application in Designing;


CAI courseware of "the principle of single-chip computer and its application;


The Design of CAI Courseware of Microcomputer Principle and Application;


WWW-based CAI Teaching Software Design of Microcomputer Principle and Application;


On Teaching "Microcomputer Theory and Application" Course Project Design;


Design of the Principle and Application of Single-chip Machine Experiment Course


Application of WebQuest to Teaching "the Principle of Computer Network" in Higher Vocational College;
