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"ping-pong diplomacy"



1)"ping-pong diplomacy","乒乓外交"2)Pingpang diplomacy,乒乓外交3)table tennis,乒乓4)ping-pong,乒乓5)Ping-Pong Bi-Bi mechanism,乒乓机制6)table tennis bat,乒乓球拍7)table tennis,乒乓球8)ping-pong,乒乓球9)ping-pang storage,乒乓存储10)ping-pong operation,乒乓操作


The change of table tennis diameter from 38 mm to 40 mm marks a new stage for the development of table tennis sport.

由小球改大球 ,标志着乒乓球运动进入一个新的发展阶段 ,这将对运动员的心理素质、身体素质以及战技术水平、能力 ,也包括相应的对乒乓球器材的适应等带来重大的影响 ,分析其中的影响、变化 ,正确地认识把握其规律 ,是掌握先机和占据主动的关

To make good teaching result,the author thinks it is important to build a harmonious relationship between teacher and students in table tennis elective course,and teacher should use varies teaching methods in order to fit the levels of varies students.


The effects of the shapes and dimensions of table tennis bat on table tennis ball head on impact probability have been investigated by an analytical method of probability function.


Study on the present situation of sport and development countermeasures of table tennis of the disabled in Fujian Province;


The application of the multi-ball training method in the teaching of table tennis;


Guangdong province universities table tennis elective course teaching present situation and countermeasure research;


The effect on the swaying speed caused by the swaying of the arm in the technology of push and pull in Ping-Pong;


Preliminary Analysis on How Can the Fresh Ping-pong Player not Lose the Ball;


Computer Simulation of Rebound Path of Ping-pong;


The techniques such as fast signal amplification,discrimination,long-distance signal transmission,anti-coincidence event judgment,counting for each bunch and ping-pang storage were involved effectively.

实现了4 ns束团间隔亮度信号的放大甄别、远距离传输、反符合判别,以及对应束团亮度信号的累加,利用乒乓存储技术解决了高数据产生率和CAMAC低数据读出率间的矛盾。

Application of ping-pong operation in incremental time-gratingsignal processing circuit;


The controller,can provide the interface between the FPGA and two ZBT Srams,realize seamless buffering for high-speed AD data streams by using ping-pong operation,and supply the appropriate input data fitting the pipeline algorithm.

该控制器提供FPGA与两片ZBT Sram之间的接口,通过乒乓操作实现了对高速AD数据流的无缝缓冲处理,为高速数字信号处理提供了符合流水线算法要求的输入数据。

The FPGA is used as display controller and the design with thought of ping-pong operation is adopted to harmonize two groups of SDRAM to read and write real time video signals under different modes,therefore,the multi-mode autostereoscopic display is realized.
