auxiliary word
The article examines the forming process of the auxiliary word "kan",pointing out that "kan" comes into being from the original meaning of "shi,shicha" to that of "ceshi",and finally becomes an empty word.
On the compensatory functions of auxiliary words of mood in E-C translation;
The rich presence of auxiliary words of mood in Chinese and the absence of them in English is one of the many differences between the two languages.
英语语气外显形式欠缺 ,汉语语气助词丰富 ,这是英汉两种语言诸多差异之一 。
As far as the mood system is concerned,there are abundant auxiliary words of mood in Chinese while it is lacking in English.
In Xiaogan dialect,"zai" can be used as verb,preposition,adverb,modal particle,and also appears in kinds of sentence structures,whose counterpart in Chinese mandarin is "ne".
The modal particles Nang(囔) and Lei(哩) in the dialect of Shanxian(陕县) in Henan(河南) province correspond with the particle Ne(呢) in the standard Chinese,but they are also marked with strong dialectal distinguishing features.
Zai" in Chengdu dialect is one of the most important modal particles, and there is a modal particle of "zai" in modern Chinese.
“在”是成都话中重要的语气助词 ,近代汉语中也有一个语气助词“在” ,二者之间有着不可分割的联系。
It s grammatical meaning and usages are complex,which is a structure particle in accordance with "de"(的/地/得)or a mood particle in accordance with "ne"(呢) in Putonghua in certain extent.
This paper describes commonness and individuality of question mood particles in the buddhist scriptures translated in Eastern Han Dynasty (东汉) based on investigating completely and combining them with Chinese native literature, then analyzes their use characteristics and causes of formation.
穷尽考察了东汉佛经,结合中土文献,描述了其疑问句语气助词使用的共性和个性现象,分析了其使用 特点和形成原因。
On the basis of traditional study, the authors have investigated combining forms of mood particles in ancient Chinese, and put forward three principles: the chain order from the weak to strong about evidential particles; the order from the easy to the diflicult about non\|typical particles; and non\|combining forms about mood particles of a level.
在语气助词合用之传统研究的基础上 ,进一步考察传信助词合用、传疑助词合用以及传信、传疑、传叹三者合用的不同情况 ,提出古汉语语气助词严格地遵循合用的三条原则 :传信助词合用是由弱至强的连锁排列 ;非同型语气助词合用是由易至难的排列 ;处于同一层面的语气助词不能合用。
Some think it is structure auxiliary word while some believe it is mood auxiliary word.
Based on traditional categorization and sequence of co-occurrence,the paper discusses the categories and functions of mood particles of Lianjiang dialect in Guangdong province and manages to offer a classification,illustrating the close relations between modality and mood in Chinese dialects.
A detailed account of 5 mood particles for expressing restrictive and negative mood in the Kazak language,and a study of their origin
对现代哈萨克语限制语气助词和否定语气助词的 5个成员的用法分布情况和各种意义做详尽描写 ,并探讨其来
Représentation Des Particules Chinoises Comme Article Dans Un Dictionnaire Chinois-fran?ais à L intention Des étrangers;
Auxiliary Word "Zhi" and Localizing Word "Zhiⅹ" in Modern Chinese
A Comparitive Research on Chinese Auxilaries "zhe,le,guo"and the Aspects of Russian Verbs;
Pragmatic Analysis of Tentative Language Particle"Kan/看"
modal auxiliary verb
A Second Study of Fanction of Mood Particles in Ancient Chinese from Their Combining Forms;
A Comaparison Between Mongolian and English Auxiliary Verbs--Concurrently on the Gremmaticalized Degree in the Mongolian Auxiliary;
modal auxiliary
ph.1. 【语】情态(助)动词
The context in which a word is used can help you understand it.
A Semantic Analysis on the Adverb"Zai"and the Partical"Zhe(·zhe)";
Grammaticalization of Auxiliary "Hao(好)" and Related Phenomenon of Lexicalization
From a measure word to an auxiliary word-a case study of the grammaticalization of the Chinese measure word ge;
A Comparative Research of the Pragmatic Meaning of Japanese Complementary Auxiliary Verb"しまう" and Uygur Auxiliary Verbs
College English Words Study Based on Dictionary and Corpus;
She has mastered a foreign language by aid of a grammar and dictionary.
The Function and the Grammaticalization of the Tone Particle Yeba(也罢);
Discriminating relation semanteme of auxiliary word " " in Japanese passive sentence;
The Study of Modal Particles in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
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