cash desk,cashier's desk
The order of operation can be exchanged with integral operation and derivation operation,then the concepts of almost everywhere convergence and everywhere convergence are introduced.
To make sure under what circumstances everywhere converge can be converted into uniform convergence,a typical counter-case has to be analysed.
The efficiency of silver recovery and cyanide removal,as well as power consumption was discussed in terms of pulse voltage,pulse duty factor,and pulse frequency.
Contrast experiments with 25 # dithiophosphate adopted in the former production show that the grade of lead concentrate is improved slightly with a closed recovery of Pb, and recovery of Ag within it is increase notably,and that Pollution of waste water containing hydroxybenzene ion is eliminated after reagent changing.
与原生产使用的 2 5#黑药对比试验指标 :铅回收率相当、铅精矿品位略有提高 ,铅精矿中银回收率显著提高 ,并从根本上消除了含酚离子废水对环境的污染。
Computerized cashier network is availaBle here at this Bazaar. Credit cards welcomed.
By purchasing items offered on the coupon, a buyer can have his grocery bill reduced by a substantial amount at the supermarket checkout.
The next day when he arrived at the bank, he dropped the letter at the mail section to be delivered to Miss Su by a special messenger.
"The "collecting Bank"which is any Bank, other than the remitting Bank, involved in processing the collection;"
Normally, banks charge service fees for handling credit card sales.
The Optimization Approach for the disposal of Non-performance Loan of the State Commercial Bank;
Silver Recovery from the Supernatant Produced during Copper Anode Slime Pretreatment
water quality-determination of total mercury by flameless atomic absorption spect rometry(method after pretreatment with ultraviolet radition)
Money is tight, and he's afraid that things may turn for the worse, so he's calling all loans as they fall due. You aren't the only one involved...
"So the priests made an agreement to take no more money from the people, and not to make good what was damaged in the house."
Research on Flotation Separation of Complex Lead-Zinc-Sliver Sulfide Ore and Its Practice;
Design and Study of the Use and Collecting of Rainwater and the Circulation Treament of Landscape Water in Yincheng Xide International Community
Such notice shall be given to the Bank from which it received the documents, or to the beneficiary, if it received the documents directly from him.
In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, the Bank has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access requests.
Follow up on payments& receipts. Daily processing of petty cash, cheques, wire transfers and other bank and cash related matters.
the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall issue a warning against the company, confiscate the illegal earnings and impose a fine in a range of one to five times the illegal earnings.
中国银行业监督管理委员会给予警告,没收违法所得,并处违法所得1倍以上 5倍以下的罚款;
A tollbooth equipped with a gate.
I stand in line at the cash register .
- Antares
- recession
- carbon paper ink
- pattern appraisal
- ULEV Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle
- self-glazing
- offset ink
- Bottom of Form
- room number
- CIE chromaticity diagram
- stratified random sampling
- CEFIC European Chemical Industry Council
- Drainage network
- robust
- desk clerk
- glazing by dipping
- February
- type of screen,type of mesh
- CMO:Media
- Dynamic Range
- Y2K problem(y for year,k for kilo or thousand)
- (quaternary/information industry)
- canonization of "Saints"
- "Strike"
- "On your marks!"
- "Ball"
- "two equal political entities
- two focal points,two of the major points of the line set by
- three links:link of trade,travel and post
- a region attractive to investors,a muchsought piece of hand,popular investment spot