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Lost circulation



1)Lost circulation,逸水2)water fugacity,水逸度3)Yige landscape,逸格山水4)In hiding landscape painting,隐逸山水5)water release ratio,水分逸出率6)the landscape rural poets,山水隐逸诗


Moisture content and water release ratios of 10 tree species were determined, and heat of preignition of 6 tree species and 4 kinds of shrubs was estimated.

经对10 种乔木的含水率、水分逸出率测定分析和对6 种乔木、4 种灌木预引燃所需热能的估计认为,在防火树种选择中二个水分因子具有不可代替性,且水分逸出率用于树种燃烧性的评判比含水率更重要。

According to Taoism s influence on the society of Flourishing Tang,this paper andlyzes the poets writing ideas,the choice of theme,aesthetic pursuit and so on in Flourishing Tang,discusses that the landscape rural poets of Flourishing Tang obtained the ideas supporting themselves and spiritual pursuit.


The Desolation and Spiritual Pursuit behind Flourishing Age--Taoism and landscape Rural poems of Flourishing Tang;


Look at the Aesthetic Mentality of Scholar s Hermitage from the Landscape Poetry in Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties;


Culture Spirit of the Landscape and Rurral Poem and Frontier Poem of the Prosperous Tang Dynasty:Retirement from Politlcs and Chivalrous of the Confucian;


The Desire to Natural Life--A Brief Account on the Thoughts about the Book Xiyou Ji;

情陶山水 意慕渔樵——摭谈《西游记》诗词中的羡隐乐逸思想

A Review on the Research Methods of Recluse Poets in Mountam Forest of Late Tang;


Comparison of Poems Between Ten Talents in Dali Period and Poets in Seclusion;


The Truth Comprehension with Clear Bosom and the Hermit Character--The Feeling Reflecting the Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism Thoughts;

澄怀观道 隐逸人格——亦儒亦道亦佛的山水情结

Seclusion of Intellectuals in the Golden Times of T'ang Dynasty and the "Nature Personality" Shaping of Wang Wei


About the Different Moods of the Landscape Poems of Wangwei and Meng Haoran;

静幽有禅趣之境 冲淡有壮逸之气——论王维、孟浩然山水诗意境之不同

Hermit Writers Personality and Their Pursuit in the Beginning of Song Dynasty;


On the English Translation Strategies of the Seclusion Culture in Chinese Ancient Poetry;


Heavily Supass--A Dicuicom of Seclusive Poems of Ruan Ji and Ji Kang;


Chinese ancient landscape poetry was in natural connections with hermit culture.


Beauty and Quietness--Chun Xiao Garden and Pastroral Poetry;

隐秀曲折 悠然恬淡——浅析春晓园与山水田园诗歌

Seclusion and Poetry Writing of Poets in the Late Tang Dynasty;


Study on Wu Rong s Poems and the Separation and Reunion of Scholars Official Career, Isolation and Carp Diem in Late Tang Dynasty;


Hermits-Poets Eremitic Pursuits and Their Artistic Orientations in Late Tang Dynasty;


On the Phenomena of the Versifications for Leisure and Banquet in the Name of Recluses as the Means of Elegant Discourse in the Early Tang Dynasty;
