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dynamics and control



1)dynamics and control,一般力学与力学基础2)general,一般3)generality,一般4)generalization,一般5)general properties,一般特性6)general function,一般功能


According to a general multipath propagation model of radio communication,this paper presents a stochastic spatio-temporal propagation general model with MS based on the geometrically layered model and the Markov model.

基于无线通信一般传播的多径模型,在分层几何模型及M arkov模型的基础上,提出一种适用于移动台的随机空-时无线信道一般模型并对模型进行优化。

The general and specific relationship is an important issue in the history of philosophy.


Modern aesthetics has shifted from the hermeneutic frame of knowledge theory to that of existential theory, making it impossible to re-take the traditional road of going "from the particular to the general".

现代美学从知识论阐释框架转向生存论阐释框架 ,美学已不能够再走传统的从个别到一般的道路 ,那么美学应该走一条怎样的路 ?本文认为 :可以尝试走本源与个别相互阐发的道路 ,而本源是“能动的本质”。

Contradiction between speciality and generality in fore-Socrates ontology;


The operation model of practice testing the nature of truth about knowledge means the operation way that people will adopt in practice for testing the nature of truth about knowledge, including the generality of operation model and the particularity of operation model.


There remains a discrepancy not only between generality and particular, but also between particulars in the same generality, and further more between two particulars in different generalities.

一般与个别存在差异性 ,蕴涵同一一般的两个个别间也存在差异性。

Ⅱ The spirally repetive development of particularity and generalization.


Exploring the regularities of administering a country must follow the rule of from generalization to specialty, namely, putting the general regularities of the other ruling parties as the basic points, and combine general rules with sp.

探索中国共产党执政规律 ,必须遵循从一般到特殊的认识规律 ,即把认识世界上一切政党执政的普遍规律、无产阶级政党执政的一般规律作为切入点 ,选择世界一切政党执政的一般规律———一切共产党政党执政的基本规律———中国共产党执政的特殊规律这样的研究路径。

Basic constituents, starch granules of lily and its starch general properties were systematically studied.


The functions of the national university science park are divided into basic function,general function and special function.


Facing the coming of the 21st Century,how to reform the school physical culture to satisfy the reguirement of talents for the socialist market economy?the paper expounds the essential function of school physical culture and its general function based on this premise.
