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BuildingMaterial Trading Company



1)BuildingMaterial Trading Company,建材贸易公司2)Shanghai Euro Building Material & Trading Co. - Shanghai Show Room,上海欧宝建材贸易公司上海陈列室3)Shanghai Euro Building Material & Trading Co. - Sicis Mosaic Shop,上海欧宝建材贸易公司意大利Sicis马赛克专卖店4)Building material,建材5)building materials,建材6)building material industry,建材行业7)production of construction materials,建材生产8)building materials utilization,建材利用9)building materials,建材化10)nature construction material,天然建材


The Application of Frequency-Modulation and Speed- Modulation Technology in Building Material Industry;


Non-mental mineral product industry mainly bases on building material industry.


It reports radioactivity monitoring results of building material usage of raw material and its building products of mahufacture of 15 prefectures and cities and more than 100 factories of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

报道了分布在新疆维吾尔自治区 15个地州市 10 0多个厂矿的建筑材料用原料及其建材产品的放射性检测结果。

The results show that oil shale can be applied in the field of electric power generation,new-style building materials production and refractory materials production etc.


The economy for pre-treatment technology of phosphogypsum is a key for it as resource of building materials.


Study on the green supply chain management in building material industry;


The paper summarizes the research and application achievements of oil shale waste,especially application status in building material industry in China,and puts forward a new way to increase useful quantity of the waste and reduce corresponding energy consuming in the process of dealing with the waste by non-fired and non-stream-cured method.


The characteristics of metal mine solid waste are analyzed,and the approaches and current situation of comprehensive utilization of metal mine solid waste in production of construction materials are summarized with a number of examples and data.


In this article the nature and the treatment of municipal sludge was introduced,and the present situation of domestic and foreign sludge resources discussed,including used in farming,building materials,energy and adsorbent,and the effective utilization of protein in sludge and making polymer materials.


The formation and distribution rule,the vertical engineering geology characteristic and stripe-shaped classification of red clay are introduced,as can be made full use to take it as a nature construction material.
