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bleaching in stages,stage bleaching



1)bleaching in stages,stage bleaching,分段漂白2)Segment,分段3)subsection,分段4)section,分段5)segmentation,分段6)step-feed,分段进水


New segment method of temporal data for outlier detection;


A Study on Segmented CML & CAPM;


According to the raw synthetic gas characteristics of Shell fine coal gasification in coal for oil project of naphtha chemical fertilizer plant ,this paper analyzes the subsection of co shift and its selection of catalyst.


A new algorithm called second solid heap sort is proposed based solid heap sort analysis with subsection optimum data processing method,the algorithm ideas,algorithm description and analysis is given,efficiency of the new algorithm is increasing better than solid heap sort algorithm along with more and more data sorted.


The theory of subsection pulse compression based on group delay is described The feature of ADSP2106X family is introduced, and the project method and simulation result of subsection pulse compression in application based on ADSP2106

论述了基于群时延的分段脉冲压缩机理 ,并简要介绍了 ADSP2 10 6 x系列的特征 ,以及在基于 ADSP2 10 6 2的应用中分段脉压的工程实现方法和仿真结

With the example of replacement for the bow "HUI XING",this paper introduces how to shorten repair period and raise efficiency by precasting large parts of projection and sectional hoisting.

文中以“汇兴”轮的整个船艏换新为例 ,介绍通过预制大型分段进行吊装来缩短修复周期 ,提高修船效率。

A new cage-rotor induction motor with end rings divided into some sections is presented to increase the rotor impedance by using the ordinary conductive material.

将感应电动机笼型转子绕组端部采用分段连接的方法 ,在笼型感应电动机转子采用普通导电材料的情况下 ,提高转子折算至定子边的电阻或阻抗 ,对于变极感应电动机 ,则可以做到每种极数对应不同的转子折算电阻或阻抗 ,从而能够减小启动或变极切换电流及增大启动转

An improved approach for off-line signature verification based on smooth index of segmentation;


The wavelet transform is used for the segmentation and the feature extraction of ordinary 12-lead ECG.


The influence of sludge recycle ratio on the step-feed A/O biological nitrogen removal process;


The effect of dissolved oxygen on the lab-scale step-feed biological nitrogen removal process;


Factors influencing the step-feed biological nitrogen removal process with continuous flow and its optimizing control;
