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partition container



1)partition container,带间隔的纸箱2)striation widths,条带间距3)belt distance,带间距4)intertidal zone,潮带间5)coupling of bands,带间耦合6)interval,草带间距


Through observation and study,the optimum designing programs are showed as follows:the cross degree between shelter belt and do minant wind direction should be more than 45 degree,the main forest belt distance should be from 150 meter to 200 meter,the subbelt distance should be from 230 meter to 700 meter,the best belt structure is sparse and transparent structure.

通过观测和研究 ,得出风沙区农田防护林带的走向与主风方向的交角 ,不能小于 45° ,主林带间距 15 0m——— 2 0 0m ,副林带间距 2 3 0m——— 70 0m ,林带结构以疏透结构为最好 ,主林带一般由主林木 5— 6行组成 ,副林带由 2— 3行组成 ,再在迎风面和背风面配置 1行— 2行灌木和针叶

The coupling of bands in the continuous represntation of the interacting boson model is discussed, the method of calculation is given,and that the practical calculation can be realized in the continuous representation.


The scheme of the research was conducted over the impact of different intervals between pasture belts on water and soil conservation as well as on physical and chemical characteristic of soil on the sloping arable land with the elevation of 150.
