through drying
In this paper,through air drying technology and its advantages and special chemicals for tissue paper was studied.
Xenon breakthrough in Activated Carbon Fiber (ACF) beds was investigated.
A series of column tests were conducted to determine the breakthrough characteristics,with effects of various water flow rate(0.
4 g)条件下,考察了DMP在GAC柱中的穿透特性。
89mg/g,respectively,when the initial concentration of the solution was 200mg/L;meanwhile,the breakthrough characteristics of DMP adso.
Penetration and perforation of FRP laminates under normal impact by ogival-nosed projectiles;
The coupling between local dent, perforation and whole bendingdeformaion of thin-wall circluar tube under lateral impact by blunt missile andthe ballistic limit speed of steel tubes filled with high-pressure liquid are in-vestigated.
An analysis is presented to model the perforation process of a rigid plastic free free beam with uniform rectangular cross section when it is struck normally by a small size flat nosed cylindrical missile at the middle of its span.
The penetration rate and quantitative distrabution of carbendazim oxalate and carbendazim in cotton seedling were detected by UV spectrophotometry.
采用紫外光谱法测定了多菌灵草酸盐和多菌灵分别处理棉苗后 ,对棉叶的穿透速率和在棉苗内的定量分布 ,以及这两种农药的油水分配系数 ,并用重量法测定了棉叶、棉根、茎韧皮部和木质部等生物样品的油水分配系数 ,结果表明 :多菌灵草酸盐在棉苗内具有双向传导作用 ,初步探明双向传导的本质原因是由于草酸羧基的引入 ,使其具有与棉苗各部位的油水分配系数更加接近的油水分配系数 ,根据相近相通原理 ,因而更容易穿透棉苗各部位 ,并进行双向传
It is found that the penetration depth plays an important role for special distribution of small signal gain macroscopically.
In the current information sharing systems,there is a problem of firewall penetration.
A Solution for SIP traversal NAT;
Efficient solution for Symmetric NAT traversal of TCP;
一种TCP协议穿透Symmetric NAT方案
Detection-based traversal solution for connection between symmetric NAT and port-restricted NAT;
基于探测对Symmetric NAT与端口受限NAT的穿透方案
- button specks
- linear sweep
- settling off
- electronic probe sensor
- prosenchymatous cell
- streww-strain tester
- water absorption test
- dynamite paper
- pulp purification
- wood crib
- florist crepe paper
- cheese roll
- down stroke,undershoot
- dandy marks,dandy worm
- abrasive
- setting mortar
- ricing
- protective paper
- buff (ing) paper
- singing split