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drain tank,oil storage tank,oil well,storage tank



1)drain tank,oil storage tank,oil well,storage tank,储油槽2)oil storage tank,(储)油槽3)oil well cover,储油槽盖4)fuel storage,储油5)oil tank,储油罐6)oil storage tank,储油罐


Mobile underwater fuel storage and supply system is a new one on the sea that is provided with the multiple functions of fuel injection, fuel transportation, fuel storage and supply, which is suited to be used in peacetime and wartime and is brought into operation adequately.


Fatalness of fire or blast assessment quantificationallyin Oil tank of gas station;


Fire fatalness analyse and safety control measure of fire work for oil tanks in unite state;


The operation principle,structural feature and property of the automatic dewaterer of oil tank as well as relative operating and management method are introduced and the problem in its operation is summarized, and some suggestions in its improvement are given.


This paper introduced the domestic and overseas research progress on fire and explosion mechanism of typical industrial workshop(LPG tank,oil storage tank zone),carried out a detailed review about the theoretical and experimental research in the related field,and put forward a number of issues worthy of further study.


To study the relationship between damage of oil storage tank and uplift of tank body in earthquake destruction, static inclined test of oil storage tank on different foundations are designed,mathematical models with nonlinear finite element method and beam theory for analyzing seismic uplift response of the tank are suggested,and numerical results of uplift response are calculated.


The aseismic analysis of oil storage tanks at soft soil sites is very complicated because of the nonlinear effects of the uplift behavior during earthquake.

软土地基上储油罐的抗震分析由于翘离等因素的非线性影响 ,计算非常繁复 ,虽然经过一系列简化 ,仍须经过迭代运算 ,该文根据储油罐的工程特点及震害经验提出了一种简化计算方法以方便工程应