Impact on the Daning river sedimental environment by Three Gorge Reservoir in view of changes in sediment compositions;
Seasonal changes of P adsorption/desorption characteristics at the water-sediment interface in Meiliang Bay,Taihu Lake,China;
Spatial difference mechanism of sludge sediment grain size in tidal wetlands of Yangtze delta;
Correlation analysis and risk assessment of organochlorine pesticides in surface sediments from the Yellow River;
Contamination Estimate of Heavy Metals in Sediments of Suburb Wetland in Daqing;
Enrichment of heavy metals in the surface sediments from the three regions of random dumping in South China Sea and assessment of their potential ecological risk;
Organic pollutants in surface sediment of Donghu Lake, Wuhan;
Assessment on heavy metals in seawater, surface sediments and organisms at Guangxi inshore;
The results show that concentrations of total OCPs in the upper surface sediment is obviously higher than those in the lower sediment.
The effect of biosidal treatment of initial sediment,addition of inhibitor and addition of phosphorus on the transform of nitrogen and phosphorus in the sediment-water simulative system were studied.
Characterization of the deposits on deactivated TS-1 catalyst in cyclohexanone ammoximation process;
Formation of Deposits in Spark Ignition Engine and Their Effects;
Theoretical and Experimental Study on Unburned Hydrocarbon Emissions from Combustion Chamber Deposits in Spark Ignition Engines;
Study on Deposit Simulating Method by Fourier Transform Infrared Technique in Gasoline Engine;
Effect of Combustion Chamber Deposits on Hydrocarbon Emisions in a Spark Ignition Engine;
Variations of thermal-oxidation deposit and light absorbance of the oxidized fuels versus oxidation time or temperature were measured respectively.
The content of insoluble carbonaceous deposit and the C/H mole ratio on the catalyst surface increased with the time on stream.
随着反应时间的延长 ,催化剂表面碳沉积(物)的含量逐渐增多 ,不饱和度逐渐增大 ;χ Fe5C2 的含量逐渐增多 ,Fe3 O4的含量逐渐减少并趋于稳定 。
The pattern of hypo-stable heavy mineral zone, hypo-stable heavy mineral +stable mineral zone and stable mineral zone are distributed from north-east to south-west, quartz cathode luminescence characteristics indicate that the source mother rock is a middle-low class metamorphic rock, which shows that the sedimentary sources of the Reservoir Group Chang 6 in the studied are.
石英阴极发光特征表明物源母岩为中低级变质岩系 ,说明研究区长6油层组沉积(物)源主要来自北东部吕梁山区和大青山区。
In the sedimentary source obvious tectonic movements and changes occurred during 4.
8 Ma 3次构造热事件;沉积(物)源区在42。
Through analyses of heavy minerals and rock compositions, it is first found that the sedimentary source in the area comes from 2 directions, one is Mobai area in east-north direction, the other is Xiaoguai direction.
Some experiments were conducted in a flow loop to simulate the effects of a diesel stream on the wax deposits on the pipe wall during batch transport of waxy crude and refined petroleum products in a pipeline.
针对含蜡原油成品油在顺序输送中管壁上会产生蜡沉积(物)的问题 ,利用管流实验环道模拟了 0号柴油对管壁处蜡沉积(物)的冲刷实验。
- buff (ing) paper
- streww-strain tester
- protective paper
- linear sweep
- electronic probe sensor
- wood crib
- button specks
- settling off
- cheese roll
- singing split
- abrasive
- pulp purification
- water absorption test
- prosenchymatous cell
- dandy marks,dandy worm
- dynamite paper
- setting mortar
- florist crepe paper
- down stroke,undershoot
- ricing