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combination straw board



1)combination straw board,草浆芯层纸板2)straw pulp,草浆3)straw pulping,草浆4)wheat straw pulp,草浆5)straw pulp black liquor,草浆黑液6)wheat-straw pulp,麦草浆


The new concept of reducing the investment and running cost on alkali recovery of black liquor in straw pulping Optimization and integration of clean production and waste liquor biochemicalprocessing technology;

降低草浆碱回收投资和运行成本的新设计理念 制浆清洁生产工艺与废液生化处理技术的优化组合

An integrated alkali recovery process of evaporation and combustion was developed in accordance with the characteristics of wheat straw pulp black liquor consistency.


This article introduced the characteristic of purified calcium carbonate from the lime mud deriving from straw pulping chemical recovery and its application in the offset paper production.


This paper reports electrodialysis recycling alkali in black liquid from straw pulping.

采用电渗析法回收草浆黑液中的氢氧化钠,在恒压条件下,曝气时电渗析的效率比不曝气时好,90m in时,曝气和不曝气条件下疏水氟膜的R值分别为1。

The technology of managing the pollution of black-liquor of straw pulping in paper-making is a hot point in native water pollution controlling research.


The technology of managing the pollution of black-liquor of straw pulping in paper-making is a hot point in China's water pollution controlling research.

草浆造纸黑液的污染治理技术是国内水污染控制研究的热点 ,但由于草浆黑液的特点不同于木浆造纸废水 ,因而其治理成本较大。

The effects of xylanase boosting bleaching of wood pulp and wheat straw pulp are investigated in this paper.


We have done the trial to make handsheets adding PVA fibre to reed pulp and wheat straw pulp.


It was found that the cellulase systems were necessary in order to improve the drainage behavior bleached wheat straw pulp, while xylanases played an assistant role.

在草浆酶改性过程中 ,以纤维素酶为主的酶系对草浆滤水性能的改善是必需的 ,而木聚糖酶对草浆滤水性能的改善起到了辅助作用。

The domestic main treatment techniques for straw pulp black liquor were presented,then integrated utilization of the black liquor resources and the application of an engineering example were discussed in detail,a reference for solving the pollution problems of straw pulp paper making industry was provided.


The conditions of Pulpzyme HC xylanase aid-bleaching on NaOH-AQ wheat-straw pulp were optimized in this paper,and the effect of An-76 fungal and Pulpzyme HC xylanase aid-bleaching was compared.


Based on the laboratory results of chlorine dioxide bleaching of NaOH-AQ wheat-straw pulp , the commercial trial was carried out.


The conditions of Pulpzyme HC xylanase aid-bleaching on NaOH-AQ wheat-straw pulp were optimized in this paper, and the effect of An-76 fungal and Pulpzyme HC xylanase aid-bleaching was compared.
