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boss machine tender,machine tender



1)boss machine tender,machine tender,抄纸工长2)paper making,抄纸3)papermaking,抄纸4)neutral papermaking,中性抄纸5)papermaking systems,抄纸系统6)papermaking process,抄纸过程


In order to remove decoupling question in paper making s process,the paper puts for-ward a new coupling method based on PID Neurons.


By analyzing questions of multiple variables coupling in paper making s process,a new method of Smith predictive decoupling control based on Kalman filter is put forward,which meets the demands for decoupling and the needs for controlling aim.

通过对抄纸过程的多变量耦合问题进行分析,提出一种满足解耦要求和控制目标需要的基于卡尔曼滤波器的Sm ith预估控制方法。

Control of slime pulp during paper making;


Three rosin soap liquid/polyamide complexes (H1,H2,H3) with different ratios were prepared and the effects of their application in papermaking from a recycled pulp were investigated.


The recent development of colloid chemistry and its application in papermaking industry were intruduced.


Silk fibers were used as the raw materials for papermaking, the technology of silk papermaking and properties of the paper and the influence of sizing with chitosan on the property of the paper were studied.

采用湿法流程进行了蚕丝抄纸实验 ,对制浆、打浆工艺进行了初步研究。

Application of the cationic dispersed rosin size made in lab in the neutral papermaking system;


Taking AKD for example,dwelling on neutral papermaking technology among papers made with high-shared straw pulp.


The application of organo-bromine microbicide made in china in papermaking systems were introduced.


The function realization of simulating worksite of papermaking process;


An effective papermaking process DCS system is presented in this paper, which consists of three subsystem:pulp consistency control, aircushioned headbox cascade control and paper basis weight & moisture control In paper moisture control subsystem, soft sensor is used to estimate paper moisture on line This control system has been in operation and resulted in great profi

采用软测量方法实现了纸张水分的在线估计 ,设计了一套由浓度控制、气垫式流浆箱控制、定量水分控制三个子系统组成的经济实用的抄纸过程 DCS控制系统 。

According to the actual properties of the papermaking process,dynamic performance of the system was analyzed and studied.
