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1)oscillating,摆动,振动,振荡2)oscillation,摆动,振动,振荡3)swaying,摆动4)swing,摆动5)oscillation,摆动6)swinging,摆动7)hunting,摆动8)jigging motion,摆动9)swinging motion,摆动10)wabbling,摆动


The effect on the swaying speed caused by the swaying of the arm in the technology of push and pull in Ping-Pong;


According to the actual lifting conditions in deep sea mining, a lifting test system simulating lifting pipe's heaving, swaying and inclination was set up.

结合深海开采扬矿应用条件建立了模拟扬矿管升沉、摆动和倾斜的提升试验系统 ,进行了较大摆幅和较宽频率范围的试验 ,获得了比较全面的试验数据 ,建立了计算模型。

Based on the study of the woodworking band saw machine's process characteristics,the natural frequencies of the worktable and the structural system of saw blade and the lateral swing quantity of saw blade by cutting the China fir under the same condition were tested under the condition of the constant tension force of the saw blade and feed speed of MJ397 high speed woodwork band saw machine.


The multi-story packing rubbers in combined isolation structure system may cause the upper layers of the isolated structure to produce swing motion, which will influence the vibration-control of isolated structures and their combined structure .


The model of horizontal translation and swing in base-isolated structures is analysed,the horizontal & swing structure s vibration equation is infered under the seismic function,and the Matlab programming is applied to carry on the computer simulation analysis.


The horizontal position deviation of the payload to the trolley evaluated from the payload oscillation angle is multiplied by the self-adaptive feedback gain to modify the reference input,thus a reasonable damping is exerted on the system to effectively suppress the swing.


 Use the Gill method to evaluate the movement of a body, which is in oscillation and vibration at the same time.


Modeling and numerical simulation of oscillation phenomenon of single-crystal growth furnace rotating-lifting system is studied.


The author thinks the skills of crooked juggling should beemphasized and the exercises of swinging should be paid attention to in sprint ai weu.


From analysis on features and function of swinging leg technic in the taking-off skill, it is discovered that: in the time of taking-off bounce, swinging leg at the back of body folding swings forward and quickly moves forward.

通过对跳跃起跳时的摆腿技术特点与作用分析 ,得出 :跳跃起跳时 ,摆动腿在体后作折叠向前摆动过程中 ,摆动腿的整个环节重心作水平方向加速向前运动 ;在起跳腿蹬伸时所产生的垂直分力等于人体重力时相才需要摆动腿制动 ,达到减小人体作垂直方向运动的阻力 ,提高人体作垂直方向惯性运动的高度。