Annie Hall
This thesis is an analysis of the first complete English version titled The Classic of Mountains and Seas by a sinologist Anne Birrell, a reproduction of a once living landscape now lost to the past, on the whole pleasantly readable, offering joy and enlightenment to readers of diverse interests.
Horneyan Self-theory and Its Contemporary Response;
On the Humanistic Tendency in Horney s Neurosis Theory;
An Analysis of Anne of Green Gables by Lucy M.Montgomery;
Andy Warhol:Sorcerer of Consumer Society;
Andy Warhol(1928—1987) has outstanding contributions in the formation and development of Pop Art.
在波普艺术形成与发展中,安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol,1928—1987)的贡献突出,他是著名的版画家的同时,还具有导演、设计师等多重身份。
When referred to Andy Warhol,we immediately contact him to pop art.
提到安迪·沃霍尔就立刻会联系到波普艺术(Pop art),上个世纪80年代初期,波普艺术进入中国艺术家的视野,艺术家们把主要来源于美国的波普艺术形式语言借鉴过来,作为反映当时社会问题的一种手段。
By employing the neurosis theory of Karen Horney, the famous psychoanalyst of American sociocultural school, this thesis aims to interpret the causes of Harry\'s anxiety, his defensive strategies as well as the final consequences.
In this thesis, we believe that the cause of their personalities and behaviors resulted from different personalities accord with neurotic personality theory of Karen Horney, the pioneer and major representative of Sociocultural School.
An Interpretation of the Psychological Crisis and Conflict in John Hawkes Works from a Horneyan Approach;
The Theory of Horney s Sociculture Neurosis and Its Reality Significance;
A Discourse of Horney s Inheritance and Criticism of Freudianism;
Psychoanalysis from Karl Jung, Karen Homey to Jaques Lacan;
A Horneyan Interpretation of Personalities in Love, Again
Enlightenment from Karen Horney's Theory of Neurotic Personality on Modern Family Education
Karen Horney was an outstanding psychologist and the chief character of social culture of the inspirit analysis。
"Honey'll never catch anybody else if she doesn't marry Charlie," said Randa, cruel and secure in her own popularity.
It's bad enough for Ashley to be marrying the Hamilton child, but for Honey to be marrying that pale-looking Charles Hamilton--"
Horney believed that the motive structure of neurosis was the basic anxiety,which originally came from the contradiction of social culture and the dissonance of the interpersonal relation.
The Powerful Weapon that Helps You Probe into Yourself--The Interpretation of the Approach of Self-Analysis Advocated by Karen. Horney and Its Applicable Values in China;
On Neurotic Personality of "the Adoptee"--An Analysis of Personality of the Adoptee in Light of Karen Horney’s "Mature Theory";
Parenthood Influence on the Development of Children s Personality;
Sibyll Patricia Trelawney is the Divination professor at Hogwarts.
The results are as follows: Iris 1st, Jenny 2nd, Hovey 3rd.
Annie: The most famous stadium among modem stadiums is the Straholf Stadium in Prague.
安妮: 现代体育场里最有名的是布拉格的斯特拉霍夫体育场。
She will be directing the family drama Home for the Holidays for her company with Holly Hunter and Anne Bancroft.
In sharp contrast to Hobbes' cynic view of human existence, Bonny Hicks exemplified a form of life that is loving, caring and sharing.
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