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X ray



1)X ray,X光感光纸2)X-ray,X光3)X-ray inspection,X光探伤4)XRD,X光衍射5)X-ray film,X光片6)X ray source,X光源


Preparation and properties of the X-ray dosimeter based on diamond films;


Simulation of X-ray transmission through mono-capillaries by Monte-Carlo method;


Primary investigation of X-ray tomography with Gabor zone plate encode holography technique;


XRD,SEM and hysteresis loop were measured to investigate and study the relationship between structure,microstructure and ferroelectric properties of Barium Titanate ceramics.


XRD, SEM, temperature and frequency dependence of dielectric constant, and hysteresis loop were measured to investigate and study structure, microstructure, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of Barium Titanate dielectric ceramics.


At the same time, the quality of the ZnO thin film is characterized by XRD and photo luminescence spectrum before and after annealed.

用等离子体辅助MOCVD法在蓝宝石 (α Al2 O3)上生长了ZnO薄膜 ,测试了其退火和未退火薄膜的电阻率、电子浓度、迁移率、激光阈值 ,并通过X光衍射、光致发光方法表征了ZnO薄膜的质量 ,其结果是 :退火薄膜的电子浓度低达 10 15/cm3 量级、激光阈值降低近 30倍、X光衍射峰半高宽是 0 。

Three kinds of antihalation dye were prepared for green-sensitive X-ray film,of which the absorbency ranges from 515nm to 550nm wavelength.


A novel method for the design of hip joint prostheses based on X-ray films is introduced.

介绍一种利用 X光片设计定制型人工髋关节股骨侧假体的方法。

The instrument can not only train the technicians well in radiology department,making them understand the every step of X-ray film developing and be familiar with and adapt the request of a radiology technician .


Through the research on the thickness gauge system of Baosteel Branch 1420mm TCM,and decoding the communication protocol black box of the thickness gauge, a general communication platform has been built and a set of methods for X ray source life prediction has been put forward.

通过对宝钢分公司1420冷轧X射线测厚仪系统的研究,破译测厚仪的通信黑匣子, 建立了通用通信平台,提出一套X光源寿命预测的方法,解决了影响生产的瓶颈问题,做到预防维修,大大减少故障时间,提高了测厚仪设备现场应用的整体性能与水平。