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Amount of leaching



1)Amount of leaching,淋洗量2)nitrogen leaching amount,氮肥淋洗量3)Leaching,淋洗4)elution,淋洗5)drip washing,淋洗6)gradient elution,梯度淋洗


Leaching characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus in treated paddy fields with chicken manure;


The influence of the leaching on the paddy soil nitrogen mineralization;


The leaching experiments indicate that the elution eficiency of nitrobenzene from the soil by the above surfactants are not greater than distilled water.


The concentration of Nd can be concentrated about 4 times with suitable nitric acid elution which includes some H 2C 2O 4 or EDTA.

414× 10 - 6 、2 5~ 30 m L溶液中对钕的吸附 ,选择含有草酸或EDTA的稀硝酸溶液进行淋洗 ,可以使钕富集近 4倍 ,用分光光度法测定淋洗液钕含量 ,回收率为 10 3。

The funciton and acting feature of nitrate in oxidizing leach and absorption elution have been studied.

研究了硝酸根在 D2 63树脂上的吸附淋洗行为特点 ,表明硝酸盐在地浸采铀纯化工艺中是良好的淋洗剂 ,且具有工艺简单、淋洗效果好、外排尾液少等优点 ,可在地浸矿山推广应用。

The decision on a plan and a design of the devices in adsorptions and drip washing of a certain project are persented in this paper.

介绍某工程的吸附淋洗铀装置的方案确定及设计情况 。

The running and result of the adsorption and drip washing equipment at a certain leaching mine are discussed in the paper.


A gradient elution method for the characterization of cyclo-depolymerization products of amorphous polyether ketone(sulfone) by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography was proposed.


A new method of simulating separating anions in linear gradient elution ion chromatography with sodium hydroxide was developed.


This paper has studied the application of eluant online generated method, gradient elution and concentrated method to meet the requirement of accurate measurement of super trace chloride and sulfate in water quality of the nuclear power plant, under the condition of using the separate column which has high selection of hydroxide.

研究了在新型离子色谱中采用淋洗液在线发生技术和对OH-选择性高的分离柱的条件下 ,建立适当的梯度淋洗程序和样品浓缩富集方法 ,以满足对核电水质中超痕量Cl-和SO2 -4进行准确测定的要求。