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Deviation from average



1)Deviation from average,离均差2)deviation from the mean,离均差3)sum of squares of deviation from average,离均差乘积4)deviation from mean,离均差积和5)distribution of the difference between yield deviation (Dd),离均差差数分布6)sum of sguares of deviation from mean,离均差平方和7)coefficient of deviation mean,离均系数8)separating equilibrium,分离均衡9)ratio of departure to mean,离均比10)separate equilibrium,分离均衡


The calculation of the sum of squares of deviation from average in analysis of covariance is complex and difficult.


The corresponding coefficient of deviation mean Φp and transcendental probability P are evaluated under different skewness coefficient Cs by deducing Pearson Type Ⅲ probability density distribution function according to the requirement of Military Specification Airplane Strength and Rigidity.


The paper uses the game theory to get an incentive value in a pure strategy of a balanced refining Bayesian separating equilibrium and to confirm the actual type of the channel with the incentive value in order to select the correct channel.


Because of converse selection caused by in- formation asymmetry in M&A market,the M&A will appear the following three different market equilibriums, namely separating equilibrium,pooling equilibrium,semi-separating equilibrium,only separating equilibrium is the most ideal and efficient equilibrium.


Here I mainly analysis the process of Signaling Game of pricing for merge and acquisition, and lodge the separating equilibrium, the pooling equilibrium, the semi-separating equilibrium that using theory of signing Game.


In this paper,we take the FDI and export as signals to deduce the conditions of pooling equilibrium and separate equilibrium under the uncertainty of the cost type,and the propositons infer that as the condition of the separate equilibrium is binding,bilateral firm can hold the equilib.
