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broad line radio galaxy(BLRG)



1)broad line radio galaxy(BLRG),宽线射电星系2)broadened line,宽线3)the wide line,宽线段4)widest path,最宽线路5)spread coil,展宽线圈6)widely linear,宽线性


Application of broadened line plus large geophone array seismic technology in exploration in mid Kuqa;


In data acquisition, we introduce the application of broadened line technology in the mountainous seismic survey, high precision measurement technique suitable for high-density (10000 channels) seismic data acquisition, and absorptive medium simulation based layout design.


By adopting the two stage bridge mode circuit net with each bridge arming with multichip resonator and using the method of rational crystal design and spread coil,the problem of flatting the pass band top has been resolved for middle band width of sing side band mode filter;and discrete top side band mode filter of 2.


Widely linear sign algorithm with application to blind multiuser detection;


In this paper,a widely linear conjugate gradient algorithm for code division multiple access(CDMA)multiple access interference(MAI)suppression is proposed,its convergence is analyzed,and its stability region in the mean is found.


Motivated by the performance of linear multiuser receivers can be improved by widely linear processing,and the convergence speed of stochastic approximation algorithm can be fasten by affine and iterate-averaging,this work develops a widely linear iterate-averaging affine LMS algorithm for DS-CDMA MAI suppression.

基于宽线性处理可以改善线性多用户接收机的性能以及仿射和迭代平均可以加快算法收敛的思想,提出了一种宽线性迭代平均仿射LM S算法,分析了算法在均方意义下的收敛性,给出了算法稳定条件和失调公式,以及算法应用于码分多址系统多址干扰抵消的效果。