- Securities and Exchange Commission证券交易管理委员会
- best-efforts agreement证券尽力推销协议
- quoted company证券上市公司
- dealer证券经销商
- securities market line证券市场贝塔风险界线
- portfolio证券组合投资,证券搭配投资
- depository receipts证券托存收据,证券存单
- portfolio management证券组合投资管理
- portfolio risk证券组合投资风险
- authenticator证实,证明,鉴定
- frame grabber帧捕获器,帧[图像]接收器
- certificate证书,鉴定书,检验合格
- frame size帧大小
- Frame error rate帧差错率
- frame alignment word帧定位字
- framing bit帧划分位
- frame-to-frame帧对帧
- framebuffer帧缓冲
- frame flyback帧回描
- frame-buffer memory帧缓冲器存储器
- frame rate帧频
- frame sweep unit帧扫描部分
- vertical frequency帧频,场频
- out-of-frame帧失调
- vertical deflection oscillator帧扫描振荡器
- out-of-frame (OOF)帧失调,帧失步
- vertical hold帧同步,垂直同步
- frame speed帧速率
- Frame Synchronizer帧同步机
- vertical hold control帧同步修整
- frame-synchronizing pulse,vertical synchronizing pulse帧同步脉冲
- FCS帧校验序列
- main feed line帧线
- frame user network interface (FUNI)帧用户网络接口
- frame relay assembler/disassembler (FRAD)帧中继组装/拆卸设备,帧中继组装/拆卸程序
- frame relay access device (FRAD)帧中继访问设备,帧中继接入设备
- government guarantee政府保证,政府担保
- Prf帧周期
- government subsidy政府补助金,政府补贴
- government accounting standards board政府会计准则委员会
- Association of Government Accounting政府会计师协会
- government auditor政府审计师
- government OSI profile(GOSIP)政府开放系统互连标准
- governmental approval政府许可
- political contribution政治性捐款
- government overall balance政府总差额
- main generator症电机
- Z-section之字钢
- master transmitter症射机
- Z-beam之字梁,Z型梁
- asynchronous starting
- asynchronous servomotor
- ACIA (asynchronous communication interface adapter)
- asynchronous communication interface
- SNA over asynch (SOA)
- asynchronous bit
- asynchronous operation
- asynchronous response mode
- induction torque
- asynchronous linear motor
- asynchronous operation
- asynchronous character
- asynchronous state machine
- voice over ATM
- abnormalism
- exception report; exception reporting
- abnormal cost
- off-state current
- abnormal
- abnormal current