- expenditure reduction支出削减
- account of payment支出帐户
- abut支点,止动点
- fulcrum支点,支轴
- pivot knife-plane支点刀座
- bearing reaction支点反作用[力],支承反力
- reaction of supports支点反力,支反力
- disbursement支付,付出款
- paying out支付,补偿,放电缆
- payment支付,支付方式
- earnings before interest and tax支付利息和税款前收益
- meet a bill支付到期的票据
- medium of payment支付媒介
- pay day支付日,发工资日
- balance of payments支付平衡
- paying bank支付银行
- form of payment支付形式,支付方式
- main branch支干线
- prods支杆触头
- host lattice支格
- prod magnetizing method支杆法,圆棒电极磁化法
- off-take支管,分支,分叉,排出,扣除,取去,出口,分接头
- branched pipe distributor支管分布器
- brass pipe支管,黄铜管
- support bracket支架,托架,支托,承托架,支承牛腿,支承架
- yoke支架,磁轭
- pole bracket支架,悬臂,支臂,磁极支架,电杆角尺
- spider rim支架轮缘,磁轭(水轮发电机等)
- support installing支架安装
- bracket signal支架信号
- supporting pin支力销
- foot length支脚长度
- tributary支流,支流的,从属的,辅助的
- fixed beam支梁
- side outlet tee支流三通管
- branch circuit支路,分路,分流电路
- branch-path支路,分路
- tributary unit (TU)支路单元,从属单元,辅助单元
- branch admittance matrix支路导纳矩阵
- tributary unit group (TUG)支路单元组,从属单元组,辅助单元组
- branch current支路电流
- branch output signal支路输出信号
- branch-path incidence matrix支路-回路关联矩阵
- branch input signal支路输入信号
- branch impedance支路阻抗
- controlling factor支配因子
- cheque register支票登记簿
- support chip支片
- check cleaning支票交换
- checking account支票账户,活期存款账户
- asynchronous starting
- asynchronous servomotor
- ACIA (asynchronous communication interface adapter)
- asynchronous communication interface
- SNA over asynch (SOA)
- asynchronous bit
- asynchronous operation
- asynchronous response mode
- induction torque
- asynchronous linear motor
- asynchronous operation
- asynchronous character
- asynchronous state machine
- voice over ATM
- abnormalism
- exception report; exception reporting
- abnormal cost
- off-state current
- abnormal
- abnormal current