- admitted to be heard for . . .获准代表……陈词的
- Lex Hortensia霍尔腾西亚法
- Hereditas non solvendo esse积极遗产,增益遗产
- Testamenti factio activa积极遗嘱能力
- Ius faciendi积极役权,作为权
- Servitutes affirmativae积极役权
- Basic Law基本法
- basic norm of law基本法律规范
- Basic policy基本方针
- basic rights and obligation基本权利和义务
- basic legal conception and assumption基本司法概念和假设
- Condictio ob turpem vel iniustam causam基于不名誉或不正当行为的要求返还之诉
- Actiones in ius conceptae基于法律之诉(依市场法之诉)
- Ex iustis nuptiis基于合法婚姻
- Exceptio in factum基于事实的抗辩
- Vindicatio ex bono et aequo基于善意和公平的请求返还之诉
- Adlectus solutionis causa基于要式口约接受清偿的人
- Condictio ex testamento基于遗嘱之诉
- syndrome-based defense基于综合症的犯罪
- house of detention羁留所
- Remand Home羁留院
- kiyas吉雅论
- respectfully submitted for clearance即此函达,尚希见复为荷
- Aquae haustus汲水权
- De dato即日起
- an immense bearing极大的忍耐
- exceptional hardship极度困苦的情况
- the death penality极刑
- Cumulative offence集合犯
- lapsus memoriae记忆上的错误
- Origo籍贯,原籍
- Pignus in causa iudicati captum既判诉讼中的扣押,判决质押
- Exceptio rei iudicatae既判物之抗辩,即判力
- Res iudicata pro veritate accipitur既判之事应视为真理
- accomplished offence既遂犯
- Heres ex sescuncia继承八分之一遗产的继承人
- Heres ex semmisse继承二分之一遗产的继承人
- Heres ex semuncia继承二十四分之一遗产的继承人
- inheritance继承权
- Institutio heredis继承人的指定
- Heres ex besse继承三分之一遗产的继承人
- Successio graduum继承顺位
- succession sequence继承顺序
- Gradus继承顺序,亲等,顺位
- Heres ex dodrante继承四分之三遗产的继承人
- Heredis substitutio继承替代
- Delatio继承指命
- Tempus continuum继续期间
- holding over继续占用
- holding over继续占用的
- concession period
- defeasance structures
- acknowledgement requirement
- party identification
- return provisions
- manipulation of accounting principle s
- tax appetite
- significant date management capability
- pride of ownership
- extended retention of possession
- leasing regulation
- non-recourse sale of lease receivable
- effective waiver of defenses
- preside
- Vindex
- prejudgment property recovery
- shop visit
- maintenance interval
- mirror-in/mirror-out principle
- Flamines majiores