- Res depositae寄托物
- priest祭司
- Pontifex maximus祭司长
- Lex Gabinia tabellaria加比尼亚法
- Pater familias家父,尊亲属
- household unit家居单位
- household effects家居设施
- Mater familias家母
- Filiafamilias家女
- Heres domesticus家内继承人
- family家庭
- Potestas dominica家主权
- Heres extraneus家外继承人
- Status familias家族权
- Filiusfamilias家子
- Other special terms will be listed bellows.甲、乙双方如有特殊约定将在下列另行约定。
- Party A and B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contr甲、乙双方,经友好协商一致,订立本合同。
- Pretium价格,价值,价金
- speeding驾车超速
- crime of counterfeiting the registered trademark of another假冒他人注册商标罪
- imaginatively several crimes假想数罪
- imaginary defence假想防卫
- trousseau嫁资
- trousseau-assess嫁资合算
- Dotis datio嫁资让与,嫁资给付
- Dotis dictio嫁资口约,嫁资宣许
- Dotis promissio嫁资允诺
- Favor dotium嫁资优惠制
- indirect intent间接故意
- Legatum per damnationem间接遗赠,嘱令遗赠,设立债权的遗赠
- Census监察,审计,财产等级,人口调查
- Censor监察官,审计官
- Excusationes tutorum监护豁免
- Guardian监护人
- Auctoritas tutoris监护人的准可,批准,授权
- Actio suspecti tutoris监护人嫌疑诉讼
- Tutoris auctoritas监护人的准许
- Actio tutelae监护诉讼
- guardian duty监护责任
- Interdictum de glande legenda捡拾果实令状
- write down减记
- simple joint crime简单共同犯罪
- create legal relations建立法律关系
- Aedes建筑物,房屋
- healthy健康
- hand down将……发下
- hand . . . over to the custody of . . .将……交付……看管
- setting down . . . for hearing将……排期聆讯
- keep . . . under sequestration in your hands将……暂时扣押在你们手中
- Addictio将被告本人裁交原告
- concession period
- defeasance structures
- acknowledgement requirement
- party identification
- return provisions
- manipulation of accounting principle s
- tax appetite
- significant date management capability
- pride of ownership
- extended retention of possession
- leasing regulation
- non-recourse sale of lease receivable
- effective waiver of defenses
- preside
- Vindex
- prejudgment property recovery
- shop visit
- maintenance interval
- mirror-in/mirror-out principle
- Flamines majiores