- relationship of the half blood半血亲关系
- crime of aiding a client to destroy or forge evidence帮助当事人毁灭、伪造证据罪
- crime of kidnapping women and children绑架妇女儿童罪
- crime of harbouring a mafia-style syndicate包庇、纵容黑社会性质组织罪
- harboring criminal of narcotic drugs包庇毒品犯罪分子罪
- Interdictum retinendae possessionis保持占有状
- Diligentia in custodienda re保管物品中的注意
- Interdictum utrubi保护(确认)动产占有令状
- Interdictum uti possidetis保护(确认)不动产占有令状
- Interdictum de superficiebus保护地上权令状
- Actio Pauliana保利安之诉,债权保全之诉
- safety保全
- keep保有
- Cautio保证金,担保,约据
- Missio in possessionem legatorum servandorum causa保证履行遗赠义务之占有,遗赠保全令
- Curator保佐人
- Iudicium curationis保佐之诉
- scrap or salvage sale报废(或挑其中有价值的贵金属出卖)
- case of retaliation and frame-ups报复陷害罪
- Vis暴力,暴力罪,不可抗力
- Paricidas报复刑
- Actio vi bonorum raptorum暴力抢劫之诉
- Interdictum unde vi(de vi)暴力占有令状,排除强暴令状
- Collatio descendentium卑亲属财产合算
- Res furtiva被盗物
- Reus被告,肇事者,债务人,应承担责任、义务者
- Defensio rei被告的辩护人
- solvit ad diem被告宣称可随时偿还债务
- Nunciatus被告知人
- held in custody被羁押
- Favor pupillorum被监护人优惠制
- ward被监护人
- Iusiurandum liberti被解放奴隶的允诺
- Rei capitalis damnati被判处极刑者
- be held liable被判须负法律责任
- adoptee被收养人
- held out被他人显示
- De his qui notantur infamia被宣布不名誉、破廉耻的人
- be outlawed;be declared illegal被宣布为非法
- Mancipia被抓获者,俘虏
- Parties hereto may revise or supplement through negotiation matters not mentioned herein.本合同如有未尽事宜,双方可协商修订或补充。
- This law will go into effect on the day of its promulgation.本法自公布之日起施行。
- Any annex is the integral part of this contract.本合同一切附件均为本合同的有效组成部分。
- This contract is made of one original and two duplicate originals,all of which are of the same effect本合同一式三份,具有同等效力。
- Mala per se本质罪恶
- comparative law比较法学
- school of comparative jurisprudence比较法学派
- comparative analysis比较分析法
- comparative criminal law比较刑法
- comparative criminal law比较刑法学
- concession period
- defeasance structures
- acknowledgement requirement
- party identification
- return provisions
- manipulation of accounting principle s
- tax appetite
- significant date management capability
- pride of ownership
- extended retention of possession
- leasing regulation
- non-recourse sale of lease receivable
- effective waiver of defenses
- preside
- Vindex
- prejudgment property recovery
- shop visit
- maintenance interval
- mirror-in/mirror-out principle
- Flamines majiores