- Heres necessarius必然继承人
- necessary causality必然因果关系
- indispensable joint crime必要共同犯罪
- Impensae necessariae必要支出
- Depositum ex necessitate(necessarium)必要寄托,紧急寄托
- be heard in camera闭门聆讯
- hear the application in private闭门聆讯有关申请
- Patronus庇主,恩主,保护人,(刑事诉讼中的)辩护人
- Iura patronatus庇主权,恩主权
- tax shelter provision避税规定
- borderline jurisprudence边缘法学
- legal methodology编纂法律方法
- Bonorum venditio变卖破产债务人的财产
- Suffragium表决,选举权
- substance represented or held out . . . to be a dangerous drug表示或显示为危险药物……的物质
- Servitutes apparentes表面役权
- the principle of merger并科原则
- having the entire of the interest to the exclusion of any other person摒除任何其它人而独享全部权益
- Leges Porciae波尔其亚法
- Exheredatio剥夺遗产,剥夺继承权,废除继承人
- Auctoritatis interpositio补充能力,需要准可
- Actio subsidiaria补充诉权
- countermeasures补救办法
- unnecessary harm不必要的损害
- non-ownership for balance sheet不(在资产负债表上)资本化
- Unchangeable period不变期间
- unwritten law不成文法
- Servitutes discontinuae不持续役权
- Pactum de non petendo不得再请求简约
- law of the place where the real property is situated;lex loci rei immobilisci不动产所在地法律
- illegal不法
- Iniuria不法侵害,侵辱
- Actio damni iniuriae不法侵害财产之诉
- Damnum iniuria datum不法损害,对物私犯
- Depositum irregulare不规则寄托,变例寄托
- unjustifiable hardship不合情理的困难
- Testamentum iniustum(non iure factum)不合法(未按法定程式完成的)遗嘱
- impartible right不可分割的权利
- indivisible debts不可分之债
- inviolability不可侵犯性
- inalienability不可让与性
- Res non fungibiles不可替代物
- non-performance of obligation不履行法律义务
- however worded不论如何措词
- however framed or worded不论如何拟定或措辞
- Pactum displicentiae不满意简约
- however described不论实际称谓如何
- Infamia不名誉,丧廉耻
- impossibility of crime不能犯
- Indignus不配者,不具者
- concession period
- defeasance structures
- acknowledgement requirement
- party identification
- return provisions
- manipulation of accounting principle s
- tax appetite
- significant date management capability
- pride of ownership
- extended retention of possession
- leasing regulation
- non-recourse sale of lease receivable
- effective waiver of defenses
- preside
- Vindex
- prejudgment property recovery
- shop visit
- maintenance interval
- mirror-in/mirror-out principle
- Flamines majiores