- Ius honorarium荣誉法,荣誉权(被选举权),长官法
- Tutela honoraria荣誉监护
- Legatum sinendi modo容受遗赠
- hospital order入院令
- weak energy personage弱能人士
- mentally handicapped person弱智的人
- Praescriptio triginta annorum (=Praescriptio longi temporis)三十年时效(最长时效)
- act of harassment骚扰作为
- incite hatred towards . . .煽动对……的仇恨
- homicide杀人
- good custom善良风俗
- incite hatred against . . .煽动针对……的仇恨
- Iudicium bonae fidei善良诉讼,诚信诉讼
- In bonis habere(dominium bonitarium)善良所有,事实所有
- Bona fides善意,诚实信用
- Dolus bonus善意欺诈
- Contractus bonae fidei善意契约,诚信契约
- Actio bona fidei(=ludicia bonae fidei)善意诉讼,诚信诉讼
- Bonae fidei iudicia善意诉讼,诚信之诉
- bona fide possession善意占有
- presumption of good faith善意推定
- commercial code商法典
- Societas quaestuaria商事合伙,商务合伙
- trading firm商行
- Collegia mercatorum商业团体
- Querela上告
- ubi supra上面提及之处
- no aggravating punishment on defendants from appeals上诉不加刑
- Libellus translatorius(litterae dimissoriae)上诉移送状
- all text before specified point ,AB; all before上文
- Fructus extantes尚存孳息,现存孳息
- social insurance社会保险
- Servitus calcis coquendae烧制石灰役权
- social insurance protection and welfare社会保险和福利
- social norms社会规范
- social solidarism jurisprudence社会连带主义法学
- socialist jurisprudence社会主义法学
- socialist legal system社会主义法制
- regency摄政
- Status身份,地位
- actual bodily harm身体伤害
- divine law神法
- Res divini iuris神法物
- Res sanctae神护物
- divinity神力
- mental activities神明
- theory of divine right神权说
- Leges sacratae神圣约法
- Res sacrae神用物
- review system审查制度
- concession period
- defeasance structures
- acknowledgement requirement
- party identification
- return provisions
- manipulation of accounting principle s
- tax appetite
- significant date management capability
- pride of ownership
- extended retention of possession
- leasing regulation
- non-recourse sale of lease receivable
- effective waiver of defenses
- preside
- Vindex
- prejudgment property recovery
- shop visit
- maintenance interval
- mirror-in/mirror-out principle
- Flamines majiores