- land土地
- land . . . held by . . . at will土地……租赁为不定期
- land survey土地测量
- Agrimensor土地测量人
- field exchange土地交换
- A coelo usque ad centrum土地所有者的权利范围
- Universitas团体,集合物,市有物,公法人的物
- Corporatio团体,行会
- presumption of legality推定合法
- Lex Thoria托里法
- Actio redhibitoria退货之诉
- Emancipatio脱离父权,解放奴隶
- Emancipati脱离父权的人
- Collatio bonorum emancipati脱离父权人的财产合算
- Lex Valeria瓦勒里法
- Leges Valeriae Horatiae瓦勒里和奥拉兹法
- Lex Varia瓦里法
- act of foreign enemy hostilities外国敌意行为
- a history of foreign legal system外国法制史
- treatment of the aliens外国人待遇
- Dos adventicia外来嫁资,非父予嫁资
- Bnoa adventicia外来特有产
- Praetor peregrinus外事裁判官
- full完全
- Leges perfectae完全法,完善法
- full capacity for civil conduct完全民事权利能力
- person entirely incapable of legal transaction完全丧失行为能力的人
- full adoption完全收养
- absolute disability完全无行为能力
- full liability完全责任
- Tutoris optio plena完全选择权
- Res extra nostrum patrimoni万家物
- Jus Gentium万民法
- jus gentium: the law of people;international law万民法,万国法,国际法
- Praecepta gentium万民法规范(戒条)
- Matrimonium iuris gentium万民法婚姻
- dangerous . . . to health危害……健康
- Dominium ex iure gentium万民法上的所有权
- risk to human life危及人命
- Lex Velleia威拉伊埃法
- Lex Villia威里法
- held on trust for . . . absolutely为……的绝对权益而以信托形式持有
- let out for hire为收取租金而出租
- Possessio pro alieno为他人的占有
- Possessio pro suo为自己的占有
- paid for honour为维护某方的信誉而付款
- essential condition of delict违法构成要件
- Violatio违反,侵害
- responsibilities for violating the labor contract违反劳动合同的责任
- Bonorum possessio contra(sine)tabulas违反遗嘱的遗产占有
- concession period
- defeasance structures
- acknowledgement requirement
- party identification
- return provisions
- manipulation of accounting principle s
- tax appetite
- significant date management capability
- pride of ownership
- extended retention of possession
- leasing regulation
- non-recourse sale of lease receivable
- effective waiver of defenses
- preside
- Vindex
- prejudgment property recovery
- shop visit
- maintenance interval
- mirror-in/mirror-out principle
- Flamines majiores