- Actus legitimus要式行为(未附条件、期限的行为)
- Real Contracts (Contractus Re)要物契约
- offering for hire要约出租
- Lex Hieronica叶罗内法
- Ius commune一般法,共同法,普通法
- Leges generales一般法律
- general object一般客体
- general capacity to power一般权利能力
- Substitutio vulgaris一般替补
- payment or serious payments一次或多次付款a
- Pactio一般协议
- Any failure by a party to carry out all or part of his obligations under the contract shall be consid一方当事人不履行本合同的全部或任何部分义务均应被视为是根本违约。
- Periculum omne一切风险
- Renvoi au permier degree一级反致
- Bis de eadem re agi non potest (Bis de eadem re ne sit actio)一事不再理,禁止一事两诉
- guarantee against double jeorpardy一事不再理的保证
- hospital costs医院费用
- hospital service医院服务
- Hospital Governing Committee医院管治委员会
- Casus voluntarius依本人意愿发生的事变
- Bonorum possessio decretalis依裁决的遗产占有
- Ipso iure依法,当然地(解除债务)
- dealing with cas-es in accordance with law依法办案
- independent exercise of powers within the framework of the law依法独立行使职权
- Bonorum possessio edictalis依告示的遗产占有
- Exceptio pacti de non petendo依据不得再请求简约之抗辩
- Bonorum possessio secundum tabulas依据遗嘱的遗产占有
- Ius capiendi ex testamento依据遗嘱取得权
- Bonorum possessio ex Carboniano edicto依卡尔波尼安告示的遗产占有
- Actio quod iussu依令之诉
- as prescribed by law依照法律的规定
- Possessio ad interdicta依令状的占有
- ex officio: by virtue of holding an office依职权而自然获得
- Hereditas遗产,继承
- Creditor hereditatis遗产的债权人
- Quorum bonorum遗产占有确认,遗产占有令状
- legacy trust遗产信托
- Bonorum possessor遗产占有人
- Obligatio heredtatis遗产之债
- Bequest遗赠
- Servus hereditarius遗产中的奴隶
- Actio rerum legatorum nomine (=Actio ex testamento)遗赠物指定之诉
- Tabulae遗嘱,遗书
- Codicilli遗嘱补充,遗嘱附书
- Tutela testamentaria遗嘱监护
- Tutor testamentarius遗嘱监护人
- Manumissio testamento遗嘱解放
- executor遗嘱执行人
- Pactum conventum已缔结的简约
- Fructus separati已分离的孳息
- concession period
- defeasance structures
- acknowledgement requirement
- party identification
- return provisions
- manipulation of accounting principle s
- tax appetite
- significant date management capability
- pride of ownership
- extended retention of possession
- leasing regulation
- non-recourse sale of lease receivable
- effective waiver of defenses
- preside
- Vindex
- prejudgment property recovery
- shop visit
- maintenance interval
- mirror-in/mirror-out principle
- Flamines majiores