- affinity姻亲关系
- bring into hatred引起憎恨
- Servitus fumi immittendi引烟役权,排烟役权
- Servitus pecoris ad aquam appellendi(adpulsus)饮畜役权
- Fructus percipiendi应收获的孳息
- culpable homicide应受惩处的杀人罪
- High Court of Justice in England英格兰高等司法院
- Britain Higher Court英国高等法院
- Aediles营造官
- Inaedificatio营造物
- Emphyteuta永佃权人
- Edictum perpetuum永久告示
- Actiones perpetuae永久诉讼,永久诉权
- Ius perpetuum永久权,永佃权
- Ager quaestorius永租地
- water right用水权
- Merx peculiaris用以经营商行的特有产
- Cautio fructuaria用益保证
- usufructuary right用益权
- the usufructuarious用益权人
- Lex lunia Vellaea优尼亚韦莱雅法
- Justinian优士丁尼皇帝
- the Codex Justinianus优士丁尼法典
- Privilegium优先权,特权
- Lex lulia et Papia尤利亚和帕皮亚法
- under the hand of由……签发
- under the hand of由……签署
- be heard by . . . counsel or solicitor由大律师或律师代表陈述
- in the hands of由……掌管的
- be heard . . . by his authorized representative由其授权的代表代为陈词
- Per aetatem由于年龄
- Quia timet由于畏惧或疑虑
- delivered by hand由专人交付
- Ex causa lucrativa有偿(契约)
- ensure that laws are observed有法必依
- ubi remedium ibi jus有法律救济就有权利
- legally binding有法律约束力
- ubicunque est injuria,ibi damnum sequitur有侵权必有损害
- have access to有权取览
- entitled to be heard on . . .有权就……陈词
- corporeal herditaments有体可继承产
- corporeal有体物
- Furtum rei有体物盗窃,物件盗窃
- conditional interpretation有条件解释
- Iustae nuptiae有效婚姻
- Valid Period有效期间
- Impensae utiles有益支出
- Tempus utile有用期间
- Divortium iusta causa有正当原因的离婚
- infancy幼儿期
- concession period
- defeasance structures
- acknowledgement requirement
- party identification
- return provisions
- manipulation of accounting principle s
- tax appetite
- significant date management capability
- pride of ownership
- extended retention of possession
- leasing regulation
- non-recourse sale of lease receivable
- effective waiver of defenses
- preside
- Vindex
- prejudgment property recovery
- shop visit
- maintenance interval
- mirror-in/mirror-out principle
- Flamines majiores