- Praeiudicium初审,预备审
- except for otherwise stipulated (by this law)除(本法)另有规定外
- exclusion clause除外条款
- An acceptance once given cannot be revoked unless the offeror consents.除非要约人同意,承诺一经做出即不得撤回。
- exclusion clause除外责任条款
- handling or receiving stolen property处理或收受窃取的财物
- handwriting stolen goods and reset处理及接受赃物
- Capax negotii处理事务的能力
- handling stolen goods处理赃物
- handler of . . . stolen goods处理赃物者
- handling stolen goods处理赃物罪
- inflict punishment处以刑罚
- sentence to fixed-term imprisonment处以有期徒刑
- Persona in manu处于夫权下的人
- Persona in potestate处于父权下的人
- Persona in mancipi处于买主权下的人
- Liberi in potestate处在家父权下的子女
- break the law;violate the law触犯法律
- encroach on the public interests触犯公共利益
- go against the state's interests触犯国际利益
- encroach on the interests of the people;go against the people's interests触犯人民利益
- Pactum vestita穿衣简约
- traditional sense of law传统法律观念
- Ius vocandi传唤权
- Edictum tralaticium传袭告示
- Exercitor navis船舶经营者
- Gubernator navis船长,舵手
- gavel --it's the thing that the judge holds in court.槌子
- germanus纯血亲
- Abdicatio tutelae辞去监护
- This law has become a dead letter.此法已成为一纸空文。
- This law is in abeyance.此法暂缓执行。
- secondary rule次要规则
- Redemptus ab hostibus从敌人那儿赎回的俘虏
- Ager ex hostibus captus从敌人手中取得的土地
- doctrine of liberal construction从宽解释原则
- A contrario sensu从另方面来说
- Aedilicius从属人的地位
- inventory存货清册
- Error错误,误解
- Indebiti solutio错债清偿,不当得利
- Servitus tigni immittendi搭梁役权
- come of age达到法定年龄
- Replicatio答辩,反抗辩
- the fundamental law大法
- Respondere答复,解答
- Grand Justice大法官
- chancery大法官法院
- substituted holiday代替假日
- Statuliber待自由人,待释奴
- concession period
- defeasance structures
- acknowledgement requirement
- party identification
- return provisions
- manipulation of accounting principle s
- tax appetite
- significant date management capability
- pride of ownership
- extended retention of possession
- leasing regulation
- non-recourse sale of lease receivable
- effective waiver of defenses
- preside
- Vindex
- prejudgment property recovery
- shop visit
- maintenance interval
- mirror-in/mirror-out principle
- Flamines majiores